Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 1005-1016.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230132
Special Issue: 【能源环境】钙钛矿(202409); 【信息功能】神经形态材料与器件(202409)
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GUO Huajun1,2(), AN Shuailing2,3, MENG Jie2,3, REN Shuxia3, WANG Wenwen2, LIANG Zishang1,2, SONG Jiayu2,3, CHEN Hengbin2,3, SU Hang2,3, ZHAO Jinjin2()
ZHAO Jinjin, professor. E-mail: jinjinzhao2012@163.comAbout author:
GUO Huajun (1983-), male, PhD candidate. E-mail:
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GUO Huajun, AN Shuailing, MENG Jie, REN Shuxia, WANG Wenwen, LIANG Zishang, SONG Jiayu, CHEN Hengbin, SU Hang, ZHAO Jinjin. Research Progress of Photoelectric Resistive Switching Mechanism of Halide Perovskite[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(9): 1005-1016.
Fig. 2 CFs of 3D perovskite RS device[19,27,30⇓-32,37,41-42] (a) Illustration of Au/CsPbBr3/ITO RS device structure[27]; (b) I−V response of Al/CsPbClxBr3−x/ITO/PET RS device in semilogarithmic scale[41]; (c) Alignment of bromide vacancies and silver atoms in On state of ITO/Cs2AgBiBr6/Au RS device[42]; (d) Pb element oxidation and reduction peaks at cyclic voltammetry (CV) curve of Al@MAPbI3/Al; (e) Pb metallic filaments formation in Set process and dissolution in the Reset process[30]; (f) Perovskite thickness-dependent competition between metallic and iodine vacancy CFs of Ag/MAPbI3/FTO RS device[37]; (g) Hybrid filaments formation and dissolution of Ag/CsPbBr3 QDs:GO/ITO device[19]; (h) Intensity of Cu element on switched and unswitched Cu/MA3Bi2I9/ITO devices[31]; (i) Band diagram of Ag/PMMA/CsPbI3/Pt device and thermally activated Ag ions hopping in CsPbI3[32]; (j) Schematic diagram of ITO/Cs2AgBiBr6/Au RS device; (k) Atomic force microscope images of CFs in Off (left) and On (right) states of Fig 2(j); (l) Element distributions of Br and Ag in Off and On states in Fig 2(j)[42]. ITO: Indium-tin oxide; PET: Polyethylene terephthalate; MA: Methylammonium; QDs: Quantum dots; GO: Graphene oxide; PMMA: Poly(methylmethacrylate)
Fig. 3 CFs of 2D halide perovskite RS device[44-45] (a) CFs mechanism of FTO/[(TZ-H)2(PbBr4)]n/Ag device; (b) I-V curve with conduction mechanism in semilogarithmic scale under positive-voltage sweep at 30 ℃ with inset showing schematic illustration of FTO/[(TZ-H)2(PbBr4)]n/Ag device structure; (c) I-V curves of FTO/[(TZ-H)2(PbBr4)]n/Ag device at different temperatures[45]; (d) Ternary resistive switching I-V curves of Al/MA2PbI2 (SCN)2/ITO device; (e) I-V curve with conduction mechanism in semilogarithmic scale with inset showing schematic illustration of Al/MA2PbI2 (SCN)2/ITO device structure; (f) CFs mechanism of Al/MA2PbI2 (SCN)2/ITO device[44]. Colorful figures are available on website
Fig. 4 CFs of perovskite RS device under light illumination[51-52] (a) CFs formation and dissolution of ITO/Ag/MAPbI3 quantum wires/Al device under light illumination[51]; (b) Dynamic bending fatigue I-V curves of mica/AgNWs@AZO/PEDOT:PSS/CsPbBr3 device under light illumination; (c) Three-dimensional tomography images of PEDOT: PSS/CsPbBr3 nanocrystal overlaid by Kelvin-probe force microscopy (KPFM) signals under (c1) dark condition and (c2) light illumination, and statistical variations of (c3) height and (c4) surface potential from Figs. (c1, c2); (d) Hybrid filaments formation and dissolution of mica/AgNWs@AZO/PEDOT:PSS/CsPbBr3 device under light illumination[52]. PEDOT: Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene); PSS: Poly(styrenesulfonate). Colorful figures are available on website
Fig. 5 Energy level matching of perovskite RS device[60⇓⇓⇓-64] (a) Energy level matching and the formation and dissolution of corresponding CFs of Ag/PMMA@CsPbI3/FTO device[60]; (b) Depletion width varied in p-type perovskite CsSnI3 layer due to Sn vacancies under an electric field[61]; (c) Schottky barrier formed at MAPbI3/TiO2 interface and resulting asymmetry I-V curve of Au/MAPbI3/TiO2/FTO device[62]; (d) RS loops of Al/Cs0.05(FAxMA1−x)0.95PbIyBr3−y/TiO2/FTO structure under dark condition and light illumination; (e) Depletion region at Cs0.05(FAxMA1−x)0.95PbIyBr3−y/TiO2 interface in low resistance state (LRS) and high resistance state (HRS) under illumination[63]; (f) Light-induced RS behaviours of Ni/ZnO/CsPbBr3/FTO device[64]. Colorful figures are available on website
Fig. 6 Application of perovskite-based RS devices[24,30,79,83,86,92-93] (a) CsPbBr3 quantum dots based phototransistor emulating human visual systems[92]; (b) MAPbI3 based synaptic transistor emulating a biological synapse[79]; (c) AgBiI4 used in artificial sensory neuron system emulating biological tactile sensing system[93]; (d) Schematic illustration of Ag/SrTiO3/CsPbBr3/Au device structure; (e) Photodetector, photomemory, memory mode and breakdown of Ag/SrTiO3/CsPbBr3/Au device[83]; (f, g) Schematic illustration of woven fibrous crosspoint RS devices with the architecture of Al@MAPbI3/Al[30]; (h) Al/CH3NH3SnCl3/polyvinyl alcohol/ITO/PET devices achieving logic “OR” and “AND” gate[86]; (i) Physical unclonable functions (memPUFs) of PrPyr[PbI3] RS devices[24]. PrPyr[PbI3]: Propyl pyridinium lead iodide
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