Journal of Inorganic Materials ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 609-622.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230581
Special Issue: 【结构材料】陶瓷基复合材料(202409)
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WU Xiaochen1(), ZHENG Ruixiao1(
), LI Lu2(
), MA Haolin2, ZHAO Peihang1, MA Chaoli2
ZHENG Ruixiao, associate professor. E-mail:;About author:
WU Xiaochen (1998-), male, PhD candidate. E-mail:
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CLC Number:
WU Xiaochen, ZHENG Ruixiao, LI Lu, MA Haolin, ZHAO Peihang, MA Chaoli. Research Progress on In-situ Monitoring of Damage Behavior of SiCf/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites at High Temperature Environments[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(6): 609-622.
Fig. 1 DIC strain measurement results of two-dimensional woven SiCf/SiC composites[18] (a) Distribution of surface strain field; (b) Demonstration of COD determination procedure; (c) Distribution of COD at different stress levels
Fig. 2 Full field strain maps of single-notched SiCf/SiC samples monotonically loaded in tension at room temperature, 1093, 1204 and 1315 ℃ showing crack propagation[25]
Fig. 4 Strain evolution of the micro-zone in weft yarn under tensile load in 2.5D-SiCf/SiC composites (a) Elevated-temperature in-situ micro-loading stage; (b) SEM equipment; (c) Distribution of speckles on the surface of the sample at the weft yarn; (d) Evolution process of strain cloud map in the microzone within the weft yarn of the composite specimen
Fig. 5 High-temperature in -situ Lab-μ-CT device developed by using a laboratory X-ray source[46] (a) Schematic diagram of the elevated-temperature in-situ μ-CT apparatus; (b) Schematic of the dynamic seal structure; (c) Schematic of the heating chamber with the specimen mounted in grips
Fig. 6 SR-μ-CT in -situ tensile/compression test rig to quantitatively analyze the internal matrix crack and damage evolution of SiCf/SiC composites under ultrahigh temperature[49] (a) Schematic illustration of in-situ ultrahigh temperature tensile test rig for synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography; (b) Sectional view of the heating chamber illustrating X-ray transmission path through the heating chamber and sample; (c) Schematic of the rig in transmission mode for X-ray computed tomography; (d, e) 3D volume-rendered µ-CT images from specimens tested at (d) room temperature and (e) 1750 ℃ at several applied tensile loads
Fig. 8 (a) Instrumentation with waveguide rod during mechanical test on CMC at high temperature[59]and (b) schematic of the experimental set-up for cyclic heating and cooling tests and AE measurements using waveguide wire[68]
Fig. 9 In-situ AE monitoring results of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites at ambient temperature, high temperature tensile and high temperature fatigue (a) Placement of AE sensors at ambient temperature and high temperature; (b-e) Energy and cumulative energy-time diagrams after classification of AE signals (b) without and (c) with waveguides at ambient temperature tensile, and after classification of AE signals at 1350 ℃/air environment (d) tensile and (e) fatigue
Fig. 10 In-situ ER monitoring of high-temperature creep test at 1315 ℃[79] (a) Four-probe method for sample resistance wiring arrangement; (b) Arrangement of high-temperature creep equipment device; (c) Creep curve and corresponding resistance curve; (d) Physical principle diagram of resistance method for creep damage monitoring
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