无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 1016-1022.DOI: 10.15541/jim20210739 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20210739
所属专题: 【能源环境】锂离子电池(202409); 【能源环境】金属有机框架材料(202309)
宿拿拿1(), 韩静茹1, 郭印毫1, 王晨宇1, 石文华1, 吴亮1, 胡执一1,2, 刘婧1, 李昱1,2(
), 苏宝连1,3
李 昱, 教授. E-mail: yu.li@whut.edu.cn作者简介:
宿拿拿(1997-), 女, 硕士研究生. E-mail: nana.su@whut.edu.cn
SU Nana1(), HAN Jingru1, GUO Yinhao1, WANG Chenyu1, SHI Wenhua1, WU Liang1, HU Zhiyi1,2, LIU Jing1, LI Yu1,2(
), SU Baolian1,3
LI Yu, professor. E-mail: yu.li@whut.edu.cnAbout author:
SU Nana (1997-), female, Master candidate. E-mail: nana.su@whut.edu.cn
Supported by:
锂离子电池已广泛应用于各种便携式电子设备及新能源汽车等领域, 但随着电子设备的不断更新换代及电动汽车的快速发展, 理论比容量较低的传统石墨负极(372 mAh/g)已无法满足社会的需求。基于此, 本工作设计并制备了一种Zn基金属有机物框架(ZIF-8)衍生的三维网络状硅碳(Si@NC)复合材料用于锂离子电池性能研究。首先对纳米硅表面进行化学改性,然后在改性的硅表面原位生长ZIF-8小颗粒(Si@ZIF-8), 最后对Si@ZIF-8碳化得到Si@NC复合材料。研究表明, Si@NC复合材料的三维网络状多孔结构既可以很好地限制硅的体积膨胀, 又能极大地提升材料的电导率, 展现出稳定的循环性能和良好的倍率性能, 在5 A/g的大电流下能保持760 mAh/g的放电比容量。与商业三元正极材料组装的全电池也表现出较好的性能, 在0.4C (1C =160 mA/g)下循环50圈依然可以保持60.4%的比容量。这些研究结果说明该Si@NC复合材料具有较好的应用前景。
宿拿拿, 韩静茹, 郭印毫, 王晨宇, 石文华, 吴亮, 胡执一, 刘婧, 李昱, 苏宝连. 基于ZIF-8的三维网络硅碳复合材料锂离子电池性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(9): 1016-1022.
SU Nana, HAN Jingru, GUO Yinhao, WANG Chenyu, SHI Wenhua, WU Liang, HU Zhiyi, LIU Jing, LI Yu, SU Baolian. ZIF-8-derived Three-dimensional Silicon-carbon Network Composite for High-performance Lithium-ion Batteries[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(9): 1016-1022.
图3 Si@NC样品的(a)TEM, (b)HRTEM, (c) HAADF-STEM, (d) SAED照片和(e~f) EDX元素分布图
Fig. 3 (a) TEM, (b) HRTEM, (c) HAADF-STEM images, (d) SAED pattern (rectangular area in (c)), and (e-f) corresponding EDX elemental maps of Si@NC (d) Rectangular area in (c); (e-f) Corresponding area in (c), Si (green), C (yellow), N (blue), O (cyan) and Zn (red)
图4 Si@NC和Si@PC样品的(a)XRD图谱和(b)拉曼光谱图, Si@NC的(c)氮气吸/脱附等温线和(d)孔径分布图
Fig. 4 (a) XRD patterns and (b) Raman spectra of Si@NC and Si@PC, (c) nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm and (d) pore size distribution of Si@NC
图5 Si@NC的(a) CV曲线和(b)在0.2 A/g电流密度下前三圈的充放电曲线, Si@NC和Si@PC的(c)倍率性能和(d)在0.5 A/g电流密度下的循环性能, (e) Si@NC、NC和Si@PC在1 A/g电流密度下的长循环性能(黑色圆圈表示Si@NC的库仑效率)
Fig. 5 (a) CV curves at a scanning rate of 0.2 mV/s and (b) charge-discharge curves for initial 3 cycles at 0.2 A/g of Si@NC, (c) rate performances and (d) cycling performances at 0.5 A/g of Si@NC and Si@PC, and (e) long cycling performances of Si@NC, NC and Si@PC at 1 A/g (black circles showing Coulombic efficiencies of Si@NC)
图6 Si@NC//NCM622全电池(a)在1~4.5 V范围的充放电曲线和(b)0.4C下的循环性能
Fig. 6 (a) Charge-discharge profiles in the range of 1~4.5 V, and (b) cycle performance at 0.4C of Si@NC//NCM622 full-cell
图S3 (a)纯Si、Si@NC和Si@PC的电化学阻抗谱图, (b) Si@NC和纯Si前5圈的库仑效率, (c)纯Si在1 A/g下的长循环性能
Fig. S3 EIS plots of pure Si, Si@NC and Si@PC, (b) Coulombic efficiencies of Si@NC and pure Si for the first 5 cycles, (c) cycle performance of pure Si at 1 A/g
图S4 半电池中Si@NC电极(a)循环前、循环(b)50和(c)200圈后的截面及表面SEM照片
Fig. S4 Cross section and surface SEM images of Si@NC electrodes for half-cell (a) before the cycle, after (b)50 and (c) 200 cycles
Anode material | Cycle performance/(mAh·g-1) (Cycle number) | Current density/ (A·g-1) | Rate capability/(mAh·g-1) (Current density/(A·g-1)) | Ref. |
Three-dimensional Network Si/C | 666 (500th) | 1 | 760 (5) | This work |
MHR-Si/rGO | 530 (400th) | 1 | 513 (5) | [1] |
Si@C/Co/CNTs | 700 (500th) | 1 | 480 (5) | [2] |
Pseudographite/Si/Ni | 800 (500th) | 1 | 271 (5) | [3] |
Si@void@C/C-2 | 450 (500th) | 1 | 410 (3.2) | [4] |
Yolk-shell structured Si-based anode | 657 (200th) | 1 | 350 (5) | [5] |
Si@C-ZIF@carbon Nanofibers | 760 (500th) | 1 | 523.9 (5) | [6] |
表S1 Si/C复合材料电化学性能比较
Table S1 Comparison of electrochemical performance for Si/C composite materials
Anode material | Cycle performance/(mAh·g-1) (Cycle number) | Current density/ (A·g-1) | Rate capability/(mAh·g-1) (Current density/(A·g-1)) | Ref. |
Three-dimensional Network Si/C | 666 (500th) | 1 | 760 (5) | This work |
MHR-Si/rGO | 530 (400th) | 1 | 513 (5) | [1] |
Si@C/Co/CNTs | 700 (500th) | 1 | 480 (5) | [2] |
Pseudographite/Si/Ni | 800 (500th) | 1 | 271 (5) | [3] |
Si@void@C/C-2 | 450 (500th) | 1 | 410 (3.2) | [4] |
Yolk-shell structured Si-based anode | 657 (200th) | 1 | 350 (5) | [5] |
Si@C-ZIF@carbon Nanofibers | 760 (500th) | 1 | 523.9 (5) | [6] |
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