无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 137-147.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220343
谢兵1(), 蔡金峡1, 王铜铜1, 刘智勇1, 姜胜林2, 张海波3
谢兵(1983-), 男, 博士, 副教授. E-mail: xieb@nchu.edu.cn
XIE Bing1(), CAI Jinxia1, WANG Tongtong1, LIU Zhiyong1, JIANG Shenglin2, ZHANG Haibo3
About author:
XIE Bing (1983-), male, PhD, associate professor. E-mail: xieb@nchu.edu.cn
Supported by:
薄膜电容器是现代电力装置与电子设备的核心电子元件, 受限于薄膜介质材料的介电常数偏低, 当前薄膜电容器难以获得高储能密度(指有效储能密度, 即可释放电能密度), 从而导致薄膜电容器体积偏大, 应用成本过高。将具有高击穿场强的聚合物与高介电常数的纳米陶瓷颗粒复合, 制备聚合物/陶瓷复合电介质, 是实现薄膜电容器高储能密度的有效策略。对于单层结构的0-3型聚合物/陶瓷复合电介质, 其介电常数与击穿场强难以同时获得有效提升, 限制了储能密度的进一步提高。为了解决此矛盾, 研究者们叠加组合高介电常数的复合膜与高击穿场强的复合膜, 制备了2-2型多层复合电介质, 能够协同调控极化强度与击穿场强来获取高储能密度。研究表明, 调控多层复合电介质的介观结构与微观结构, 可以实现优化电场分布、协同调控介电常数与击穿场强等目标。本文综述了近年来包括陶瓷/聚合物和全有机聚合物在内的多层聚合物基复合电介质的研究进展,重点阐述了多层结构调控策略对储能性能的提升作用,总结了聚合物基多层复合电介质的储能性能增强机制, 并讨论了当前多层复合电介质面临的挑战和发展方向。
谢兵, 蔡金峡, 王铜铜, 刘智勇, 姜胜林, 张海波. 高储能密度聚合物基多层复合电介质的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(2): 137-147.
XIE Bing, CAI Jinxia, WANG Tongtong, LIU Zhiyong, JIANG Shenglin, ZHANG Haibo. Research Progress of Polymer-based Multilayer Composite Dielectrics with High Energy Storage Density[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(2): 137-147.
图1 PVDF基复合材料及三明治结构BT/PVDF复合材料[28]
Fig. 1 PVDF-based composites and sandwich-structured BT/PVDF composites[28] (a) Electric field distribution simulation diagram; (b) Breakdown field strength; (c) COMSOL multi-physics field simulation; (d, e) Energy density
图2 BT@HPC/PVDF复合材料[27]
Fig. 2 BT@HPC/PVDF composite[27] (a, b1) Schematic diagram of preparation and space charge polarization distribution of BT@HPC/PVDF composites; (b2) Microcapacitor networks constructed by BT@HPC; (b3) Generated space charge region (SCR) surrounding BT@HPC in the PVDF matrix; (b4) Space charge regions in single-layer structural composites; (b5) Three-layer structural composites; (c) Weibull breakdown distribution; (d) Discharged energy density Colorful figures are available on website
图3 全有机PMMA/P(VDF-HFP)复合膜的制备示意图、SEM截面图以及放电能量密度和充放电效率[35]
Fig. 3 Schematic preparation of all-organic PMMA/P(VDF-HFP) films, cross-sectional SEM image, discharged energy density, and charge-discharge efficiency[35] (a) Schematic illustration of PMMA/P(VDF-HFP) films; (b) SEM cross-sectional image; (c) Discharged energy density; (d) Charge-discharge efficiency
图4 以PVDF/BNNS为外层, PVDF/BST为中间层的三层复合薄膜[26]
Fig. 4 Three-layer composite film with PVDF/BNNS as the outer layer and PVDF/BST as the middle layer[26] (a) Structure schematic; (b) Weibull plots for the trilayer-structured nanocomposites indicating the failure distribution; (c) The development of electrical trees in the trilayer-structured nanocomposites with different BST NW contents at 550 MV·m−1; (d) Weibull breakdown strength and maximum electrical displacement; (e) Discharged energy density
图5 非对称LTN结构多层复合材料的介电储能性能[45]
Fig. 5 Dielectric energy storage properties of multilayer composites with asymmetric LTN structure[45] (a) Dielectric energy storage properties of multilayer composites with asymmetric LTN structure; (b) Weibull breakdown distribution; (c) Derived breakdown strength; (d) Discharged energy density; (e) Charge-discharge efficiency (b, d, e) E/F in volume fraction
图6 梯度结构BaTiO3/PVDF纳米复合材料(GLN)[46]
Fig. 6 Gradient-structured BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites (GLN)[46] (a) Electric field distribution and growth of breakdown channels; (b) Average electric field in each layer of GLNs; (c) Electric field gap at different interfaces and average electric field in the GLN sample; (d, e) Discharged energy density and charge-discharge efficiency
图7 P(VDF-HFP)/BT纳米复合材料以及P(VDF-HFP)-P(VDF-HFP)/BT多层纳米复合材料[48]
Fig. 7 P(VDF-HFP)/BT nanocomposites and P(VDF-HFP)-P(VDF-HFP)/BT multilayer nanocomposites[48] (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation; (b) SEM image of P(VDF-HFP)-10% BTO; (c, d) Polarization interface ions and induced depolarization and phase field simulation of multilayer nanocomposites; (e) Breakdown strength of multilayer composites and control group; (f) Discharged energy density of different types of composites
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