无机材料学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 623-633.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230608 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20230608
所属专题: 【结构材料】陶瓷基复合材料(202409)
汤素芳, 研究员. E-mail: sftang@imr.ac.cn作者简介:
赵日达(1995-), 男, 博士, 助理研究员. E-mail: rdzhao16s@imr.ac.cn
TANG Sufang, professor. E-mail: sftang@imr.ac.cnAbout author:
ZHAO Rida (1995-), male, PhD, assistant professor. E-mail: rdzhao16s@imr.ac.cn
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连续纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料具有高强韧、耐氧化的特性, 现已成为航空航天领域重要的高温结构候选材料。反应熔渗法可实现陶瓷基复合材料的大规模、短周期和低成本制备, 是目前最具有商业化前景的技术之一。然而, 传统反应熔渗法制得陶瓷基复合材料存在着基体碳残留、纤维刻蚀等问题, 导致材料力学与氧化-烧蚀性能不佳。为突破传统碳基体陶瓷化程度低的局限性, 相关研究人员采用碳基体孔结构构筑方法, 通过多孔碳基体取代传统熔渗预制体中致密碳基体, 以促进碳基体的陶瓷化转变及反应熔体的消耗, 进而实现陶瓷基复合材料的性能优化。本综述介绍了采用多孔碳陶瓷化策略制备SiC陶瓷、SiC/SiC复合材料、C/SiC复合材料及超高温陶瓷基复合材料的相关研究进展, 并且通过与传统反应熔渗法对比, 验证了多孔碳陶瓷化策略的优势, 同时总结了相关多孔碳基体制备方法的发展演变过程, 最后针对先进陶瓷基复合材料的基础理论与工艺技术需求, 对多孔碳陶瓷化改进反应熔渗法的未来发展方向进行了展望。
赵日达, 汤素芳. 多孔碳陶瓷化改进反应熔渗法制备陶瓷基复合材料研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2024, 39(6): 623-633.
ZHAO Rida, TANG Sufang. Research Progress of Ceramic Matrix Composites Prepared by Improved Reactive Melt Infiltration through Ceramization of Porous Carbon Matrix[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(6): 623-633.
图1 用于制备(a-d) SiC[24⇓⇓-27], (e) SiC/SiC[33], (f, g) C/SiC[31,39]及(h) C/SiC-ZrC[18]的多孔碳典型形貌
Fig. 1 Typical morphologies of porous carbon for preparation of (a-d) SiC[24⇓⇓-27], (e) SiC/SiC[33], (f, g) C/SiC[31,39] and (h) C/SiC-ZrC[18]
Carbon source | Density of porous carbon/(g·cm-3) | Median pore diameter of porous carbon/nm | Density of ceramic/ (g·cm-3) | Si content/% (in mass) | Ref. |
Furfuryl alcohol | / | 1000 | / | / | [ |
Furfuryl alcohol | 0.86 | 1300 | / | / | [ |
Furfuryl | 0.74 | 2580 | 3.04 | 17.6 | [ |
0.65 | 1940 | 2.81 | 34.7 | ||
0.58 | 670 | 3.01 | / | ||
0.90 | 40 | 3.07 | / | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.79 | 2363 | 2.10 | 13.0 | [ |
0.79 | 1552 | 2.81 | 12.0 | ||
0.74 | 1226 | 2.88 | 16.0 | ||
0.74 | 642 | 2.91 | 14.0 | ||
0.73 | 190 | 2.93 | 16.0 | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.72 | 39.9 | 2.92 | 20.0 | [ |
0.72 | 39.9 | 3.07 | 15.4 | ||
0.79 | 28.8 | 3.08 | 12.2 | ||
0.78 | 38.7 | 2.95 | 3.1 | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.90 | 20.1 | 2.90 | 3.6 | [ |
表1 多孔碳的碳源、密度、中位孔径及生成陶瓷的密度与硅含量
Table 1 Carbon sources, densities and median pore diameters of porous carbon, densities and Si content of obtained ceramics
Carbon source | Density of porous carbon/(g·cm-3) | Median pore diameter of porous carbon/nm | Density of ceramic/ (g·cm-3) | Si content/% (in mass) | Ref. |
Furfuryl alcohol | / | 1000 | / | / | [ |
Furfuryl alcohol | 0.86 | 1300 | / | / | [ |
Furfuryl | 0.74 | 2580 | 3.04 | 17.6 | [ |
0.65 | 1940 | 2.81 | 34.7 | ||
0.58 | 670 | 3.01 | / | ||
0.90 | 40 | 3.07 | / | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.79 | 2363 | 2.10 | 13.0 | [ |
0.79 | 1552 | 2.81 | 12.0 | ||
0.74 | 1226 | 2.88 | 16.0 | ||
0.74 | 642 | 2.91 | 14.0 | ||
0.73 | 190 | 2.93 | 16.0 | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.72 | 39.9 | 2.92 | 20.0 | [ |
0.72 | 39.9 | 3.07 | 15.4 | ||
0.79 | 28.8 | 3.08 | 12.2 | ||
0.78 | 38.7 | 2.95 | 3.1 | ||
Phenol formaldehyde | 0.90 | 20.1 | 2.90 | 3.6 | [ |
图3 (a) RMI过程中生成的陶瓷层示意图和(b)预制体孔径随渗透时间的变化曲线[33]
Fig. 3 (a) Schematic illustration of ceramic layer generated during the RMI and (b) curves of preforms pore radius vs infiltration time[33]
图6 (a)双壁碳纳米管液硅熔渗模型示意图, (b)液硅熔渗高度(H)与融渗时间(t)之间的对应关系和(c)液硅在内径2 nm双壁碳纳米管模型中的毛细熔渗行为[51]
Fig. 6 (a) Schematic illustration of liquid Si infiltration in double-walled carbon nanotubes, (b) relationship between infiltration height (H) and infiltration time (t) for liquid Si infiltration, and (c) capillary infiltration behavior of liquid Si into a double-walled carbon nanotubes with an inner tube diameter of 2 nm[51]
图8 多孔C/C的(a, b)微观结构与(c)孔径分布曲线, (d) C/C- SiC-(ZrxHf1-x)C的截面形貌[35]
Fig. 8 (a, b) Microstructures and (c) pore size distribution curves of the porous C/C, and (d) cross-sectional micrograph of the C/C-SiC-(ZrxHf1-x)C[35]
图9 (a) C/SiC-HfC与(b, c) SiC-HfC基体截面形貌, (d) HfC晶粒直径分布及其平均直径[18]
Fig. 9 Cross-sectional morphologies of (a) C/SiC-HfC and (b, c) SiC-HfC matrix, and (d) grain diameter distribution of HfC and its mean diameter[18]
图10 传统RMI与多孔碳陶瓷化改进RMI制得陶瓷基复合材料的(a)弯曲强度与(b)2200 ℃线烧蚀率对比[18,33⇓-35,39]
Fig. 10 Comparison of (a) flexural strength and (b) 2200 ℃ linear ablation rates of ceramic matrix composites obtained by conventional RMI and improved RMI through ceramization of porous carbon matrix[18,33⇓-35,39]
Preform | Preparation method of porous matrix | Median pore diameter/nm | Predominant pore size range/nm | Ceramic matrix composites | Flexural strength/MPa | Ref. |
C/SiC-C | Phase separation | 1800 | 500-10000 | C/SiC-Si | / | [ |
SiC/BNx/SiNx/C | Phase separation | / | 1000-4500 | SiC/BNx/SiNx/SiC-Si | / | [ |
C/B4C-C | Sol-Gel | 39800 | 25000-75000 | C/ZrB2-SiC-ZrC | 231 | [ |
C/B4C-Al2O3-C | Sol-Gel | / | 10-10000 | C/B4C-Al2O3-SiC-Si | 300 | [ |
C/ZrC-C | Carbothermal reduction | / | 4-130000 | C/ZrC-SiC-ZrSi2 | 380 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | 41.6 | 10-80 | C/SiC | 218 | [ |
SiC/SiC-C | Phase separation | / | 100-5000 | SiC/SiC-Si | 201 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | 1300 | 100-5200 | C/C-SiC-(ZrxHf1−x)C | / | [ |
SiC/SiC-C | Sol-Gel | / | 500-10000 | SiC/SiC-Si | 809 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | / | 10-130 | C/SiC-ZrC | 288 | [ |
C/SiC-HfC | 251 |
表2 多孔预制体的基体制备方法、中位孔径、孔径分布范围及所生成陶瓷基复合材料的弯曲强度
Table 2 Preparation methods of porous matrix in preform, median pore diameters and predominant pore size ranges of preform, and flexural strength of the obtained ceramic matrix composites
Preform | Preparation method of porous matrix | Median pore diameter/nm | Predominant pore size range/nm | Ceramic matrix composites | Flexural strength/MPa | Ref. |
C/SiC-C | Phase separation | 1800 | 500-10000 | C/SiC-Si | / | [ |
SiC/BNx/SiNx/C | Phase separation | / | 1000-4500 | SiC/BNx/SiNx/SiC-Si | / | [ |
C/B4C-C | Sol-Gel | 39800 | 25000-75000 | C/ZrB2-SiC-ZrC | 231 | [ |
C/B4C-Al2O3-C | Sol-Gel | / | 10-10000 | C/B4C-Al2O3-SiC-Si | 300 | [ |
C/ZrC-C | Carbothermal reduction | / | 4-130000 | C/ZrC-SiC-ZrSi2 | 380 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | 41.6 | 10-80 | C/SiC | 218 | [ |
SiC/SiC-C | Phase separation | / | 100-5000 | SiC/SiC-Si | 201 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | 1300 | 100-5200 | C/C-SiC-(ZrxHf1−x)C | / | [ |
SiC/SiC-C | Sol-Gel | / | 500-10000 | SiC/SiC-Si | 809 | [ |
C/C | Phase separation | / | 10-130 | C/SiC-ZrC | 288 | [ |
C/SiC-HfC | 251 |
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