无机材料学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 965-978.DOI: 10.15541/jim20240050 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20240050
所属专题: 【制备方法】3D打印(202409); 【信息功能】介电、铁电、压电材料(202409); 【信息功能】柔性材料(202409)
• 综述 • 下一篇
陈张伟, 教授. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cn作者简介:
魏相霞(1989-), 女, 助教. E-mail: xiangxia@qdu.edu.cn
WEI Xiangxia1(), ZHANG Xiaofei1, XU Kailong2, CHEN Zhangwei3(
CHEN Zhangwei, professor. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cnAbout author:
WEI Xiangxia (1989-), female, assistant professor. E-mail: xiangxia@qdu.edu.cn
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柔性压电材料作为一类重要的功能材料, 具有韧性好、可塑性强、轻量化等优点, 可以实现机械能和电能的相互转换, 并贴附在人体上实时获取人体或环境信息, 在运动检测、健康监测、人机交互等领域具有广阔的应用前景。为满足人们对柔性压电材料结构不断提高的要求, 增材制造技术被广泛用于制造压电材料。该技术有望突破传统压电材料加工和生产的技术瓶颈, 极大提升柔性压电产品的结构自由度和性能, 从而推动柔性压电材料应用的变革。本文在介绍压电材料分类和性能的基础上, 系统阐述了增材制造柔性压电材料的主要工艺种类, 包括熔融沉积、墨水直写、选择性激光烧结、电辅助直写、光固化和墨水喷射等; 总结了增材制造柔性压电材料的结构, 主要有多层结构、多孔结构和叉指结构; 介绍了增材制造柔性压电材料在能量收集、压电传感器、人机交互和生物工程中的应用进展; 最后总结和展望了增材制造柔性压电材料面临的挑战以及未来发展趋势。
魏相霞, 张晓飞, 徐凯龙, 陈张伟. 增材制造柔性压电材料的现状与展望[J]. 无机材料学报, 2024, 39(9): 965-978.
WEI Xiangxia, ZHANG Xiaofei, XU Kailong, CHEN Zhangwei. Current Status and Prospects of Additive Manufacturing of Flexible Piezoelectric Materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(9): 965-978.
图1 增材制造柔性压电材料概况
Fig. 1 Overview of additive manufacturing of flexible piezoelectric materials (a) Amount of published papers (data from Web of Science); (b) Additive manufacturing approaches, structural design and applications of flexible piezoelectric materials
图2 压电材料分类总结
Fig. 2 Summary of classification of piezoelectric materials PVDF: Polyvinylidene fluoride; PVDF-TrFE: Polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene; PZT: Lead zirconate titanate; PMN-PT: Lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate; KNN: Potassium sodium niobate; PDMS: Polydimethylsiloxane
图3 增材制造工艺种类示意图
Fig. 3 Schematic diagrams of additive manufacturing processes (a) Fused deposition modeling[37]; (b) Direct ink writing[54] ; (c) Selective laser sintering[31]; (d) Electric-assisted direct writing [49]; (e) Stereolithography[50]; (f) Inkjet printing[53]
图4 柔性压电材料多层结构示意图
Fig. 4 Schematic diagrams of multi-layer structures of flexible piezoelectric materials (a) PVDF-TrFE composite multi-layer structures[55]; (b) Curved multi-layer piezoelectric structures[57]; (c) Rugby structures[58]
图5 柔性压电材料多孔结构示意图
Fig. 5 Schematic diagrams of porous structures of flexible piezoelectric materials (a) PVDF-TrFE/BaTiO3 porous structures[60]; (b) CNF/PDMS porous structures[61]; (c) Grid structures[62]
图6 柔性压电材料叉指结构示意图
Fig. 6 Schematic diagrams of interdigital structures of flexible piezoelectric materials (a) Alternately tilted interdigital structures[63]; (b) Pt/Ti conductive interdigital structures[64]; (c) Origami structures[65]
Material | Filler | 3D printing method | Fraction (β phase)/% | d33(d31)/(pC·N-1) | Output voltage | Output current | Ref. |
PVDF | BT (10%) | DIW | 78 | - | 4 V | - | [ |
PVDF | TrFE (30%) | DIW | 75-80 | - | 298.3 mV | - | [ |
PVDF | GR (0.03%) | DIW | 61.52 | d33=-8.7 | 0.35 V | - | [ |
PVDF | GR (1.5%) | SLS | - | - | 16.97 V | 274 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT/Ag | SLS | - | - | 10 V | 142 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT/Carbon | SLS | 92.2 | - | 5.7 V | 79.8 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT (30%) | FDM | 84.9 | d33=4.2 | 11.5 V | 220 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL | FDM | 93.3 | - | 8.69 V | 90.8 nA | [ |
PVDF | TPPC (5%) | FDM | 83.8 | d33=11.85 | 6.62 V | 108.15 nA/cm2 | [ |
PVDF | BT2 | FDM | 95.9 | - | 10.9 V | 126.9 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL (2%) | FDM | 90 | - | 6 V | 83 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL (15%) | FDM | 97.4 | - | 8.2 V | 300 nA | [ |
PVDF | No fillers | FDM | 56.83 | d31=0.048 | - | 0.106 nA | [ |
PDMS | MWCNTs | DIW | - | d33=1070 | 550 mV | - | [ |
PDMS | BaTiO3 | DIW | - | - | 80 V | 25 mA | [ |
PDMS | PNN-PZT | DIW | - | d33=24 | 5 V | 0.1 μA | [ |
PDMS | BT (80%) | DIW | - | - | 45 V | 2.7 μA | [ |
PVDF | TrFE | IJP | - | - | 3.6 V | 2.3μA | [ |
表1 3D打印技术制造压电能量收集器的性能比较
Table 1 Performance comparison of piezoelectric energy harvesters manufactured by 3D printing technology
Material | Filler | 3D printing method | Fraction (β phase)/% | d33(d31)/(pC·N-1) | Output voltage | Output current | Ref. |
PVDF | BT (10%) | DIW | 78 | - | 4 V | - | [ |
PVDF | TrFE (30%) | DIW | 75-80 | - | 298.3 mV | - | [ |
PVDF | GR (0.03%) | DIW | 61.52 | d33=-8.7 | 0.35 V | - | [ |
PVDF | GR (1.5%) | SLS | - | - | 16.97 V | 274 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT/Ag | SLS | - | - | 10 V | 142 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT/Carbon | SLS | 92.2 | - | 5.7 V | 79.8 nA | [ |
PVDF | BT (30%) | FDM | 84.9 | d33=4.2 | 11.5 V | 220 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL | FDM | 93.3 | - | 8.69 V | 90.8 nA | [ |
PVDF | TPPC (5%) | FDM | 83.8 | d33=11.85 | 6.62 V | 108.15 nA/cm2 | [ |
PVDF | BT2 | FDM | 95.9 | - | 10.9 V | 126.9 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL (2%) | FDM | 90 | - | 6 V | 83 nA | [ |
PVDF | IL (15%) | FDM | 97.4 | - | 8.2 V | 300 nA | [ |
PVDF | No fillers | FDM | 56.83 | d31=0.048 | - | 0.106 nA | [ |
PDMS | MWCNTs | DIW | - | d33=1070 | 550 mV | - | [ |
PDMS | BaTiO3 | DIW | - | - | 80 V | 25 mA | [ |
PDMS | PNN-PZT | DIW | - | d33=24 | 5 V | 0.1 μA | [ |
PDMS | BT (80%) | DIW | - | - | 45 V | 2.7 μA | [ |
PVDF | TrFE | IJP | - | - | 3.6 V | 2.3μA | [ |
图7 3D打印柔性压电材料在能量收集中的应用
Fig. 7 Application of 3D-printed flexible piezoelectric materials in energy harvesting (a) Energy collection and illumination of LED lights by pressing with fingers[67]; (b) Application of M12N insoles[68]; (c) Piezoelectric energy harvester installed on wearable electronic devices[69]; (d) Road energy harvester[46]
图8 3D打印柔性压电材料在压电传感中的应用
Fig. 8 Application of 3D-printed flexible piezoelectric materials in piezoelectric sensing (a) Piezoelectric sensors incorporated into insoles to adapt to human movements[76]; (b) Self-powered traffic monitoring system based on PVDF[84]; (c) Schematic diagrams of wireless self-sensing boxing gloves[85]
图9 3D打印柔性压电材料在人机交互中的应用
Fig. 9 Application of 3D-printed flexible piezoelectric materials in human-computer interaction (a) Movement of the fingers translates into a change in voltage[90]; (b) Self-powered smart bracelet[91]; (c) Movements of robotic hands controlled by the movements of human hands[92]
图10 3D打印柔性压电材料在生物工程中的应用
Fig. 10 Application of 3D-printed flexible piezoelectric materials in bioengineering (a) Schematic diagram of electronic skin[93]; (b) Tissue engineering scaffold composed of PVDF/PCL[94]; (c) Piezoelectric hydrogel scaffold fabricated by 3D printing technology[95]
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