无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 845-884.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230123 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20230123
所属专题: 【材料计算】计算材料(202409); 【信息功能】MAX层状材料、MXene及其他二维材料(202409); 【结构材料】核用陶瓷(202409)
• 特邀综述 • 下一篇
丁浩明1,2,3(), 李勉1,3, 李友兵1,3, 陈科1,3, 肖昱琨1,3, 周洁4, 陶泉争4, 尹航5, 柏跃磊5, 张毕堃6, 孙志梅6, 王俊杰7, 张一鸣1,3, 黄振莺8, 张培根9, 孙正明9, 韩美康10, 赵双11, 王晨旭11, 黄庆1,3(
黄 庆, 研究员. E-mail: huangqing@nimte.ac.cn作者简介:
丁浩明(1994-), 男, 博士研究生. E-mail: dinghaoming@nimte.ac.cn
DING Haoming1,2,3(), LI Mian1,3, LI Youbing1,3, CHEN Ke1,3, XIAO Yukun1,3, ZHOU Jie4, TAO Quanzheng4, Johanna Rosen4, YIN Hang5, BAI Yuelei5, ZHANG Bikun6, SUN Zhimei6, WANG Junjie7, ZHANG Yiming1,3, HUANG Zhenying8, ZHANG Peigen9, SUN Zhengming9, HAN Meikang10, ZHAO Shuang11, WANG Chenxu11, HUANG Qing1,3(
HUANG Qing, professor. E-mail: huangqing@nimte.ac.cnAbout author:
DING Haoming (1994-), male, PhD candidate. E-mail: dinghaoming@nimte.ac.cn
Supported by:
MAX/MAB相是一类非范德华三元层状材料, 具有丰富的元素组成和晶体结构, 兼具陶瓷和金属的物理性质, 在高温、强腐蚀、辐照等极端环境中极具应用潜力。近年来, 由MAX/MAB相衍生的二维(2D)材料(MXene和MBene)在材料物理与材料化学领域引起了广泛兴趣, 已经成为继石墨烯和过渡金属硫族化合物之后最受关注的二维范德华材料。MAX/MAB相材料结构调控不仅对这类非范德华层状材料本征性能产生重要影响, 而且对其衍生的二维范德华材料结构功能特性研究也具有重要价值。本文归纳和总结了MAX/MAB相层状材料在结构调控、理论计算和应用基础研究等方向的最新科研进展, 并展望了该类层状材料未来发展方向。
丁浩明, 李勉, 李友兵, 陈科, 肖昱琨, 周洁, 陶泉争, 尹航, 柏跃磊, 张毕堃, 孙志梅, 王俊杰, 张一鸣, 黄振莺, 张培根, 孙正明, 韩美康, 赵双, 王晨旭, 黄庆. 三元层状材料结构调控及性能研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(8): 845-884.
DING Haoming, LI Mian, LI Youbing, CHEN Ke, XIAO Yukun, ZHOU Jie, TAO Quanzheng, Johanna Rosen, YIN Hang, BAI Yuelei, ZHANG Bikun, SUN Zhimei, WANG Junjie, ZHANG Yiming, HUANG Zhenying, ZHANG Peigen, SUN Zhengming, HAN Meikang, ZHAO Shuang, WANG Chenxu, HUANG Qing. Progress in Structural Tailoring and Properties of Ternary Layered Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(8): 845-884.
图1 三元层状材料的发现时间轴(非完全统计)
Fig. 1 Non-exhaustive chronicle of ternary layered materials In 1960, Ti2SC was synthesized[40]; From 1960 to 1966, a large number of ternary layered carbides/nitrides (H-phases) with an M2AX formula (211 type) were synthesized[41-42]; From 1967 to 1968, Ti3SiC2 (312 type) and a set of 312 and 211 types H-phases were produced[41,43-44]; In 1969, a typical ternary layered boride Fe2AlB2 was synthesized[7]; In 1994, Ti3AlC2 was discovered[45]; In 1996, the high purity Ti3SiC2 was produced and exhibited excellent properties, thus triggering the research upsurge to these materials[46]; In 2000, Barsoum[1] renamed H-phases as Mn+1AXn phases, short for MAX phases; In 2011, the first MXene Ti3C2Tx was discovered[28]; In 2013, the discovery of magnetocaloric effect of Fe2AlB2 raised research upsurge on ternary layered borides[9]. Also, Lu2SnC was synthesized and found to be superconducting[47]; In 2014, an o-MAX (Cr2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 was synthesized[48]; In 2015, ternary layered borides were named as MAB phases. In addition, the first Zr-based MAX phase was discovered[10,49]; In 2017, an i-MAX (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC and two noble-metal MAX phases Ti3AuC2 and Ti3IrC2 were synthesized[22,50]; In 2019, a series of MAX phases containing Cu and Zn, and a hexagonal MAB phase Ti2InB2, as well as Nb2SBxC1-x (x=0-1) were synthesized[24⇓-26,51,52]; In 2020, two i-MAB phases (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlB2 and (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlB2, as well as a variety of MAX phases containing Fe, Co, Ni, and Mn were synthesized[16,19]; In 2021, MAX phases having Se atoms at the A-site were produced[53]; In 2022, o-MAX phase Ti4MoSiB2, the first MBene, and Zr2Se(B1-xSex) were synthesized[20,54-55]; In 2023, a chemical scissor-mediated structural editing strategy was proposed, which extremely expands the diversity of MAX phases and MXene[56]
图2 MAX相的元素及结构调控
Fig. 2 Atomic and structural regulation of MAX phases (a) Schematic illustration of Ti3SiC2 film covered by Au film on the SiC substrate[22]; (b) STEM image of Ti3SiC2 and its corresponding atomic model[22]; (c) Schematic illustration of preparing novel MAX phases and MXene based on a Lewis-acidic-molten-salt route[24]; (d) STEM image of Ti3ZnC2 and its corresponding atomic model[24]; (e) STEM image of Ti3C2Cl2 and its corresponding atomic model[24]; (f) Schematic illustration of the conversion from non-van der Waals solids to 2D transition-metal chalcogenides[57]
图3 不同的MXene的制备方法
Fig. 3 Different methods for the synthesis of MXene (a) Schematic illustration of preparing MXene using HF solution as etchant[28]; (b) SEM image of Ti3C2Tx prepared by HF solution, showing the typical accordion-like morpholorgy of MXene particle[28]; (c) STEM image of Ti3C2Cl2 prepared by Lewis-acidic-molten-salt route, and its corresponding atomic model[24]; (d) Schematic illustration of preparing Ti3C2Tx MXene via a reaction between Ti3SiC2 and CuCl2; (e) Redox potential/Gibbs free energy between Lewis acid cations and A-site atoms in molten salts[30]; (f) Schematic illustration of the electrochemistry etching strategy for the preparation of MXene in molten salt[72]
图4 “化学剪刀”辅助的MAX相和MXene的结构编辑
Fig. 4 Structural editing of MAX phases and MXene aided by chemical scissors (a) Schematic illustration of chemical intercalation strategy aided by chemical scissors[56]; (b) Periodic table showing elements involved in the formation of MAX phases and MXenes. Light blue: M elements; Brown: A elements; Black: X elements; Green: ligand (T) elements; Circled: elements studied in the present work[56]
图5 新型硫属MAX相的晶体结构及其典型的物理性能
Fig. 5 Crystal structure and physical properties of novel chalcogenide MAX phases (a-d) First synthesized Se-containing MAX phase, Zr2SeC[53]; (e, f) First synthesized Te-containing MAX phase, Hf2TeB[93]; (h-j) First synthesized MAX phase with chalcogen at X site, Zr2Se(B1-xSex) with x at 0 (h), 0.60 (i), and 0.97 (j), respectively[20]
图6 单晶MAX相的制备
Fig. 6 Preparation of single crystal MAX phases (a) Crystal structure of V4AlC3-x[106]; (b) SEM image of single MAX phase V4AlC3-x[106]; (c) Schematic of the experimental set-up used for high temperature solution growth[107]; (d) Photograph of part of the crucible cut after growth and dipping into dilute HCl, the Cr2AlC platelets are coalescing due to an unusually long growth time[107]
图7 Cr2AlC单晶的热容和各向异性的热导率[110]
Fig. 7 Heat capacity and anisotropic thermal conductivity in Cr2AlC single crystals at high temperatures[110] (a) Atomic structure model of Cr2AlC; (b) Schematic of the in-plane resistivity measurements in Cr2AlC using a four-probe configuration with equidistant and parallel pads; (c) Temperature-dependence measurements of the in-plane resistivity for Cr2AlC single crystals (black line); (d) Predicted out-of-plane resistivity (orange line); (e) Heat capacity measurements of Cr2AlC single crystals measured experimentally (blue dots); (f) Measured in-plane (κ∥) and out-of-plane (κ⊥) thermal conductivities using various techniques
图8 i-MAX相及其衍生的二维结构i-MXene[50]
Fig. 8 i-MAX phases and its derived two-dimensional product of i-MXene[50] (a-c) i-MAX with in-plane chemical order, viewed from [100], [010] and [110] zone axes, respectively; (d) Schematic of the conversion from i-MAX to i-MXene; (e) Low-magnification STEM image of single flake of Mo1.33C i-MXene; (f) Higher magnification STEM image with the FFT result of Mo1.33C i-MXene; (g) Atomically resolved STEM image of Mo1.33C i-MXene; (h) Atomic structure model corresponding to (g)
M′4/3 | M″2/3 | A | X | Ref. |
Mo4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Al | C | [ |
W4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mn4/3 | Sc2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3/Zr2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Sc2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
V4/3 | Sc2/3/Zr2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Ce2/3/Pr2/3/Nd2/3/Sm2/3/Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Yb2/3/Lu2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
W4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
表1 实验上已经合成的i-MAX相
Table 1 List of synthesized i-MAX phases
M′4/3 | M″2/3 | A | X | Ref. |
Mo4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Al | C | [ |
W4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mn4/3 | Sc2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3/Zr2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Sc2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
V4/3 | Sc2/3/Zr2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Sc2/3/Y2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Ce2/3/Pr2/3/Nd2/3/Sm2/3/Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Mo4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Yb2/3/Lu2/3 | Ga | C | [ |
W4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
Cr4/3 | Gd2/3/Tb2/3/Dy2/3/Ho2/3/Er2/3/Tm2/3/Lu2/3 | Al | C | [ |
图9 MAB相、i-MAB相和o-MAB相
Fig. 9 MAB phases, i-MAB phases and o-MAB phases (a) SEM image of layered Ti2InB2; (b) STEM image of Ti2InB2 along the direction of [001] and corresponding FFT result in the inset image; (c) SEM image of 2D-TiB and its corresponding EDS semi-quantitative resultin inset table[52]; (d-f) STEM images of i-MAB phase (Mo2/3A1/3)2AlB2 and corresponding atomic model along the direction [0001], [$1\bar{1}00$] and [$11\bar{2}0$], respectively, and their corresponding FFT images[55]; (g-i) STEM images of o-MAB phase Ti4MoSiB2 and corresponding atomic model along the direction [100], [210] and [110], respectivly, and their corresponding FFT images[54]
图10 通过化学刻蚀得到的MAB相衍生的二维产物
Fig. 10 Two-dimensional products derived from MAB phases through chemical etching (a) Schematic of chemical etching i-MAB phase to prepare two-dimensional derivative[55]; (b) XRD patterns of prestine i-MAX (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlB2, etched product Mo4/3B2-xTz, TBAOH intercalation product, and delamination film with SEM image (inset) showing the cross-sectional morphology of Mo4/3B2-xTz film [55]; (c) STEM image of monolayer Mo4/3B2-xTz and its FFT image (inset) [55]; (d) XRD patterns of o-MAX Ti4MoSiB2, product etched by ZnCl2 and two-dimensional TiOxCly after delamination and filtering with SEM image (inset) of cross-sectional morphology of a TiOxCly film[54]
图11 实验测量的单边缺口梁断裂韧性随部分典型三元层状化合物(MAX和MAB相)的最弱与最强化学键刚度比kmin/kmax的变化[138]
Fig. 11 Experimentally measured unilateral notched beam fracture toughness as a function of the weakest to strongest chemical bond stiffness ratio kmin/kmax for some typical ternary layered compounds (MAX and MAB phases)[138]
MAB phase | M type | A type | Ref. | MAB phase | M type | A type | Ref. |
Orthorhombic M2A2B2 | Ti | Al | [ | Orthorhombic M3AB4 | Sc | Al | [ |
Hf | Ti | ||||||
V | Zr | ||||||
Nb | Hf | ||||||
Ta | V | ||||||
Tc | Nb | ||||||
Cr | Ta | ||||||
Mn | Mo | ||||||
Orthorhombic M2AB2 | Sc | Al | [ | W | |||
Ti | Mn | ||||||
Zr | Fe | ||||||
Hf | Orthorhombic M4AB6 | Sc | Al | [ | |||
V | Ti | ||||||
Nb | Zr | ||||||
W | Hf | ||||||
Tc | V | ||||||
Rh | Nb | ||||||
Ni | Ta | ||||||
Co | Mo | ||||||
Orthorhombic M3A2B2 | Sc | Al | [ | Hexagonal M2AB2 | Ti | Sn | [ |
Ti | Hf | In | [ | ||||
Zr | Sn | ||||||
Hf | Zr | In | |||||
Cr | Pb | ||||||
Mn | Tl | ||||||
Tc | Hexagonal M3AB4 | Hf | In | [ | |||
Fe | Sn | ||||||
Ni | P | ||||||
Zr | Cd | ||||||
Pb |
表2 理论预测可稳定存在的MAB相种类
Table 2 Stable MAB phases by theoretical prediction
MAB phase | M type | A type | Ref. | MAB phase | M type | A type | Ref. |
Orthorhombic M2A2B2 | Ti | Al | [ | Orthorhombic M3AB4 | Sc | Al | [ |
Hf | Ti | ||||||
V | Zr | ||||||
Nb | Hf | ||||||
Ta | V | ||||||
Tc | Nb | ||||||
Cr | Ta | ||||||
Mn | Mo | ||||||
Orthorhombic M2AB2 | Sc | Al | [ | W | |||
Ti | Mn | ||||||
Zr | Fe | ||||||
Hf | Orthorhombic M4AB6 | Sc | Al | [ | |||
V | Ti | ||||||
Nb | Zr | ||||||
W | Hf | ||||||
Tc | V | ||||||
Rh | Nb | ||||||
Ni | Ta | ||||||
Co | Mo | ||||||
Orthorhombic M3A2B2 | Sc | Al | [ | Hexagonal M2AB2 | Ti | Sn | [ |
Ti | Hf | In | [ | ||||
Zr | Sn | ||||||
Hf | Zr | In | |||||
Cr | Pb | ||||||
Mn | Tl | ||||||
Tc | Hexagonal M3AB4 | Hf | In | [ | |||
Fe | Sn | ||||||
Ni | P | ||||||
Zr | Cd | ||||||
Pb |
图12 MAB相的理论计算
Fig. 12 Theoretical calculation of MAB phases (a) Structures of orthorhombic and hexagonal MAB phases[163]; (b) Bonding energy of M2AlB2-type orthorhombic MAB and M2AlC-type MAX phases; (c) Simulated exfoliation process of orthorhombic M2AlB2 using HF, where the red, green, black, cyan, and pink balls represent Mo, B, Al, F, and H atoms, respectively[146]
MAB phase | B/GPa | G/GPa | E/GPa | ¯ν/GPa | Ref. |
Mn2AlB2 | 239 | 169 | 411 | 0.21 | [ |
Fe2AlB2 | 209 | 133 | 329 | 0.24 | |
Co2AlB2 | 216 | 92 | 242 | 0.31 | |
TiAlB | 145 | 116 | 274 | 0.18 | |
VAlB | 173 | 133 | 317 | 0.19 | |
NbAlB | 180 | 130 | 315 | 0.21 | |
TaAlB | 192 | 138 | 333 | 0.21 | |
CrAlB | 189 | 140 | 338 | 0.20 | |
MnAlB | 167 | 101 | 252 | 0.25 | |
TcAlB | 220 | 114 | 292 | 0.28 | |
Sc2AlB2 | 238 | 142 | 356 | 0.25 | |
Ti2AlB2 | 170 | 150 | 347 | 0.16 | |
Zr2AlB2 | 152 | 112 | 270 | 0.20 | |
Hf2AlB2 | 168 | 132 | 314 | 0.19 | |
V2AlB2 | 195 | 129 | 317 | 0.23 | |
Nb2AlB2 | 199 | 110 | 279 | 0.27 | |
Cr2AlB2 | 229 | 177 | 422 | 0.19 | |
Mo2AlB2 | 238 | 142 | 356 | 0.25 | |
W2AlB2 | 262 | 139 | 354 | 0.28 | |
Tc2AlB2 | 260 | 132 | 339 | 0.28 | |
Ni2AlB2 | 200 | 91 | 237 | 0.30 | |
MoAlB | 213 | 146 | 357 | 0.22 | [ |
WAlB | 232 | 146 | 362 | 0.24 | |
Mn2AlB2 | 222 | 161 | 388 | 0.21 | [ |
Fe2AlB2 | 210 | 132 | 329 | 0.24 | [ |
Co2AlB2 | 241 | 101 | 266 | 0.31 | [ |
Zr3CdB4 | — | 82 | 202 | 0.37 | [ |
Hf3PB4 | — | 180 | 407 | 0.19 | [ |
表3 部分MAB相的理论体积模量(B)、剪切模量(G)、杨氏模量(E)和泊松比(ν)
Table 3 Theoretical mechanical properties of several MAB-phases, including bulk modulus (B), shear modulus (G), Young’s modulus (E), and Poisson ratio (ν)
MAB phase | B/GPa | G/GPa | E/GPa | ¯ν/GPa | Ref. |
Mn2AlB2 | 239 | 169 | 411 | 0.21 | [ |
Fe2AlB2 | 209 | 133 | 329 | 0.24 | |
Co2AlB2 | 216 | 92 | 242 | 0.31 | |
TiAlB | 145 | 116 | 274 | 0.18 | |
VAlB | 173 | 133 | 317 | 0.19 | |
NbAlB | 180 | 130 | 315 | 0.21 | |
TaAlB | 192 | 138 | 333 | 0.21 | |
CrAlB | 189 | 140 | 338 | 0.20 | |
MnAlB | 167 | 101 | 252 | 0.25 | |
TcAlB | 220 | 114 | 292 | 0.28 | |
Sc2AlB2 | 238 | 142 | 356 | 0.25 | |
Ti2AlB2 | 170 | 150 | 347 | 0.16 | |
Zr2AlB2 | 152 | 112 | 270 | 0.20 | |
Hf2AlB2 | 168 | 132 | 314 | 0.19 | |
V2AlB2 | 195 | 129 | 317 | 0.23 | |
Nb2AlB2 | 199 | 110 | 279 | 0.27 | |
Cr2AlB2 | 229 | 177 | 422 | 0.19 | |
Mo2AlB2 | 238 | 142 | 356 | 0.25 | |
W2AlB2 | 262 | 139 | 354 | 0.28 | |
Tc2AlB2 | 260 | 132 | 339 | 0.28 | |
Ni2AlB2 | 200 | 91 | 237 | 0.30 | |
MoAlB | 213 | 146 | 357 | 0.22 | [ |
WAlB | 232 | 146 | 362 | 0.24 | |
Mn2AlB2 | 222 | 161 | 388 | 0.21 | [ |
Fe2AlB2 | 210 | 132 | 329 | 0.24 | [ |
Co2AlB2 | 241 | 101 | 266 | 0.31 | [ |
Zr3CdB4 | — | 82 | 202 | 0.37 | [ |
Hf3PB4 | — | 180 | 407 | 0.19 | [ |
图14 三元MAX相的发现
Fig. 14 Discovery of ternary MAX phases (a) Calculation-based approach to discovery of novel ternary phases Ti2InB2[52]; (b) High-throughput prediction of MAB phases[162]; (c) Crystal structures for the stable Nb2AB2 and Nb2AB (A: P or S)[183]
图15 四元MAB相的理论预测
Fig. 15 Theoretical study of quaternary MAB phases (a) Crystal structure of Cr3AlB4, ordered M2M'AlB4, and disordered M2M'AlB4[186]; (b) Prediction and synthesis of i-MAB phases Mo4/3Sc2/3AlB2 and Mo4/3Y2/3AlB2[16]; (c) Elemental mapping involved in this computational work; (d) Schematic illustration of the evolution of structure and electronic structure of h-MAB during the introduction of the fourth element M″[187]
图16 选取特征量为电子浓度和尺寸因素所绘制的结构映射图[36]
Fig. 16 Structure mapping based on the selected characteristic quantities of electron concentration and atomic sizes[36]
图17 MAX增强金属基复合材料
Fig. 17 MAX-reinforced metal matrix composites (a-b) Fracture morphology of MAX in Mg matrix composites undergoing microplastic deformation[213]; (c) MAX/Cu matrix composite MCC pantograph slide plate[215]; (d, e) Transformation of MAX to TiCx and Cr3C2 in Ni matrix composites and morphology of in situ authentic γ'[224]; (f) Morphology of the MAX transformation to TiCx and Ti5Si3 in Ti matrix composites[225]
图18 在空气与真空中交替生长的Sn晶须的SEM图片[259]
Fig. 18 SEM images of a Sn whisker alternately cultivated in air and vacuum[259] (a-e) For once, twice, 3 times, 4 times, and 5 times, respectively with faceted segments formed in vacuum being pointed by white arrows; (f-h) High magnification SEM images of the faceted segments indicated by arrow A in (b), arrow C in (c), and arrow C in (d), respectively
图19 Zr2InC样品端口及其表面生长的In晶须的SEM照片[243]
Fig. 19 SEM images of fractured Zr2InC surface and an In whisker[243] (a) Fractured Zr2InC surface showing In at grain boundaries (this surface being covered with thin In film); (b) An In whisker whose cross-sectional shape is determined by grain boundary geometry at the In/Zr2InC interface
图20 Sn晶须/Ti2SnC界面的微观结构[266]
Fig. 20 Microstructure of Sn whiskers/Ti2SnC interface[266] (a) TEM image of the interface; (b) Magnified view of the white rectangle area in (a); (c, d) HRTEM images of the interface
图21 不同MXene薄膜的电导率(a)及其电磁屏蔽效能与电导率间的关系(b)[282]
Fig. 21 (a) Electrical conductivity of different MXene films and (b) conductivity-dependent electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of different MXenes[282]
图22 辐照环境下MAX相材料中的缺陷产生和微观结构转变
Fig. 22 Defect generation and microstructural transformation in MAX phase materials under irradiation (a) STEM HAADF (high-angle annular dark-field) image along [11¯20] of Ti3AlC2 irradiated with 1 MeV Au ions, showing direct evidence of cation antisite defects. The white arrows indicate the initial Al layers, whose image contrast is altered when compared with the initial hexagonal structure[295]; (b, c) Contrast profiles along line 1 and line 2 in (a), respectively, which directly show the variation of contrast arising from the formation of TiAl-AlTi antisite defects produced by ion irradiation[295]; (d) TEM image of Ti3(Si,Al)C2 being irradiated at 0.2 dpa indicating a cluster of point defects (black dots)[296]; (e-g) Phase transformation (hcp to γ to fcc solid solution) processes with chemical disorder induced by ion irradiation in a typical MAX phase, Ti3AlC2 (hcp: hexagonal close packing; fcc: face-centered cubic)[295]
图23 MAX相的辐照温度效应
Fig. 23 MAX phase irradiation temperature effect (a) Ti3AlC2 is completely recovered to initial phase (a dose of 2×1016 cm-2) or partially recovered to initial phase and γ-Ti3AlC2 phase (a dose of 4×1016 cm-2) after irradiation with 1 MeV Au ions and then annealed at 800 ℃ for 1 h[303]; (b) Cr2AlC films showing completely amorphous after irradiation with 320 keV Xe ions up to 3.3 dpa at 300 K, but not completely amorphized after irradiation up to 90 dpa at 623 K[306]
图24 高熵MAX相的辐照相变及非晶化[302]
Fig. 24 Phase transformation and amorphization caused by irradiation of MAX phases[302] (a) Schematic of atomic structure models of Ti2SnC and (TiVNbZrHf)2SnC; (b) In-situ selective area electron diffraction (SAED) micrographs of Ti2SnC and five-component (TiVNbZrHf)2SnC recorded during 800 keV Kr2+ irradiation, showing different phase transformation process and amorphization resistance; (c) M-Sn antisite defect formation energies calculated via DFT in the corresponding single-component M2SnC and the five-component (TiVNbZrHf)2SnC supercell
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