无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 991-1004.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230105 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20230105
所属专题: 【能源环境】钙钛矿(202409); 【能源环境】太阳能电池(202409)
陈雨1,2(), 林埔安1,2, 蔡冰2(
), 张文华1,2(
蔡 冰, 博士. E-mail: bingcai@caep.cn;作者简介:
陈 雨(1993-), 男, 博士研究生. E-mail: 434980565@qq.com
CHEN Yu1,2(), LIN Puan1,2, CAI Bing2(
), ZHANG Wenhua1,2(
CAI Bing, PhD. E-mail: bingcai@caep.cn;About author:
CHEN Yu (1993-), male, PhD candidate. E-mail: 434980565@qq.com
Supported by:
有机−无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSCs)因高能量转换效率(PCE)和低制造成本而受到了广泛关注。尽管认证PCE已经高达26%, 但在高温、高湿度和持续光照下PSCs的稳定性仍然明显落后于传统太阳能电池, 这成为其商业化道路中最大的阻碍。开发和应用高稳定性的无机空穴传输材料(HTMs)是目前解决器件光热稳定性的有效方法之一, 引入无机HTMs可以有效屏蔽水和氧对钙钛矿吸光层的侵蚀, 从而避免形成离子迁移通道。本文概述了应用于有机−无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池的无机HTMs的分类和光电特性, 介绍了相关研究进展, 总结了针对无机HTMs器件的性能优化策略, 包括元素掺杂、添加剂工程和界面工程, 最后展望了无机HTMs未来的发展方向。下一步需要更深入地研究无机HTMs的微观结构及其与PSCs性能的关系, 从而实现更高效、更稳定的PSCs器件。
陈雨, 林埔安, 蔡冰, 张文华. 钙钛矿太阳能电池无机空穴传输材料的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(9): 991-1004.
CHEN Yu, LIN Puan, CAI Bing, ZHANG Wenhua. Research Progress of Inorganic Hole Transport Materials in Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(9): 991-1004.
Material | Hole concentration, N/cm-3 | Hole mobility, μ/(cm2·V-1·s-1) | Conductivity, σ/(S·cm-1) |
Sprio-OMeTAD with Li-TFSI, etc. | 7.13×1015[ | 0.779[ | 1.53×10-3[ |
NiO | 5.3×1018[ | 0.12[ | 1.66×10-4[ |
Cu:NiO | 7.3×1019[ | ~0.2[ | 1.25×10-3[ |
Ni0.8Li0.05Mg0.15O | 6.46×1018[ | - | 2.23×10-3[ |
CuGaO2 | 3.098×1019[ | - | 4.625×10-3[ |
Zn:CuGaO2 | 1.328×1020[ | - | 1.39×10-2[ |
CuCrO2 | - | 0.1-1.0[ | 2.9×10-2[ |
In:CuCrO2 | 7.1×1018[ | 0.75[ | 6.9×10-2[ |
CuScO2 | - | - | 2.11×10-3[ |
CuSCN | - | 1.2×10-3[ | - |
Co3O4 | - | 1.49×10-2[ | - |
Co3O4-SrCO3 | - | 6.33×10-2[ | - |
表1 无机空穴传输材料的基本性质(Spiro-OMeTAD作为对比)
Table 1 Properties of inorganic hole transport materials (Spiro-OMeTAD for comparison)
Material | Hole concentration, N/cm-3 | Hole mobility, μ/(cm2·V-1·s-1) | Conductivity, σ/(S·cm-1) |
Sprio-OMeTAD with Li-TFSI, etc. | 7.13×1015[ | 0.779[ | 1.53×10-3[ |
NiO | 5.3×1018[ | 0.12[ | 1.66×10-4[ |
Cu:NiO | 7.3×1019[ | ~0.2[ | 1.25×10-3[ |
Ni0.8Li0.05Mg0.15O | 6.46×1018[ | - | 2.23×10-3[ |
CuGaO2 | 3.098×1019[ | - | 4.625×10-3[ |
Zn:CuGaO2 | 1.328×1020[ | - | 1.39×10-2[ |
CuCrO2 | - | 0.1-1.0[ | 2.9×10-2[ |
In:CuCrO2 | 7.1×1018[ | 0.75[ | 6.9×10-2[ |
CuScO2 | - | - | 2.11×10-3[ |
CuSCN | - | 1.2×10-3[ | - |
Co3O4 | - | 1.49×10-2[ | - |
Co3O4-SrCO3 | - | 6.33×10-2[ | - |
图2 代表性的无机空穴传输材料的最高占据分子轨道(HOMO)(或价带)和最低未占据分子轨道(LUMO)(或导带)能级(Spiro-OMeTAD作为对比)[18]
Fig. 2 Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) (or valence-band) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) (or conduction-band) energy levels relative to the vacuum of representative inorganic hole transport materials (HOMO and LUMO of Spiro-OMeTAD for comparison)[18]
图3 镍基氧化物的物理形貌、合成工艺和相关性能
Fig. 3 Physical morphology, synthesis process and related properties of nickel-based oxide materials (a) Comparison of conductivity mapping results for NiO (left) and Li0.05Mg0.15Ni0.8O (right) films[21]; (b) J-V curve of NiOx-based PSCs with molecular doping of F6TCNNQ[34]; (c) Synthetic process of the SRE NiOx (top), Ni species changed with different synthetic processes (bottom-left) and spectrum changes in Ni species caused by SRE (bottom-right), and (d) champion J-V curves of PSCs[35]; (e) Schematic diagram of synthesis process and (f) high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of NiCo2O4 nanocrystals, as well as (g) J-V curves of the champion PSCs[37]. Colorful figures are available on website
图4 铜基氧化物的物理形貌和相关性能
Fig. 4 Morphology and related properties of copper-based oxide materials (a) Cross-sectional SEM image and (b) stability performance of the device with different HTL (Spiro-OMeTAD and Cu2O)[26]; (c) Preparation technology, device structure, energy level diagram and (d) J-V curves of Cu2O and CuO films[40]; (e) TEM image of CuGaO2 nanocrystals and (f) stability of the device[45]; (g) J-V curves, structure diagram (PC61BM: [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) and (h) stability of device based on mp-CuGaO2[39]; (i) Schematic diagram of nanocrystalline structure and (j) stability of devices based on CuCrO2[46]; (k) TEM image of CuScO2 nanocrystals and (l) J-V curves of PSCs[28]. Colorful figures are available on website
图5 其他氧化物和非氧化物的物理形貌和相关性能
Fig. 5 Physical morphology and related properties of other oxides and non-oxides (a) High-resolution TEM image of Co3O4 and (b) J-V curves of PSCs[47]; (c) Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectra and (d) J-V curves of PSCs based on Co3O4-SrCO3[50]; (e) PL absorption spectra and (f) J-V curve of PSCs based on CuSCN HTL[16]; (g) Diagram of device structure, (h) J-V curves and (i) light stability of capped PSCs (under constant illumination and different temperature) based on CuSCN HTL and 2D Cs2PbI2Cl2 capping layers[55]
图6 元素掺杂对于器件性能的影响
Fig. 6 Effect of element doping on device performance (a) J-V curves and (b) PL spectra of PSCs based on Cu:NiOx HTL[23]; (c) J-V curves of PSCs and (d) electrical conductivity of Cs:NiOx film[27]; (e) SEM image of In doped CuCrO2 film and (f) J-V curves of PSCs[57]; (g) Mott-Schottky curves and (h) J-V curves of PSCs based on the Zn doped CuGaO2[25]
图7 添加剂工程对于器件性能的影响
Fig. 7 Effect of additive engineering on device performance (a) SEM images of NiO film with different ammonium stabilizers and different concentrations and (b) J-V curves of PSCs[30]; (c) Schematic structure, (d) J-V curves and (e) I-t curves of PSCs based on NiO film with boric acid[59]; (f) J-V curves, (g) long-term stability and (h) maximum power output stability of PSCs based on ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of NiO NPs[60]; BCP: Bathocuproin; VMPP: Output voltage at maximum power. Colorful figures are available on website
图8 界面工程对于器件性能的影响
Fig. 8 Effect of interface engineering on device performance (a) J-V curves of devices based on surface modification with different concentrations of CsBr, and stability of PSCs[63]; (b) J-V curves and (c) MPP stability of PSCs based on GUAI surface modification at different concentrations (in molar) with inset showing environmental stability[64]; (d) High-resolution TEM images of Au@NiOx NPs, (e) corresponding structure diagram and (f) J-V curves of PSCs[65]; (g) MPP stability of devices with TMSBr surface modification[66]; CsBr-2.5: 2.5 mg/mL CsBr; RS: reverse scan; FS: forward scan; T80: the time maintaining 80% initial PCE. Colorful figures are available on website
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