无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 544-552.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220532 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20220532
所属专题: 【结构材料】热障与环境障涂层(202409)
范栋1,2(), 钟鑫1(
), 王亚文1, 张振忠2(
), 牛亚然1, 李其连3, 张乐3, 郑学斌1
钟 鑫, 助理研究员. E-mail: zhongxin@mail.sic.ac.cn;作者简介:
范 栋(1998-), 男, 硕士研究生. E-mail: fandong1998@126.com
FAN Dong1,2(), ZHONG Xin1(
), WANG Yawen1, ZHANG Zhenzhong2(
), NIU Yaran1, LI Qilian3, ZHANG Le3, ZHENG Xuebin1
ZHONG Xin, assistant professor. E-mail: zhongxin@mail.sic.ac.cn;About author:
FAN Dong (1998-), male, Master candidate. E-mail: fandong1998@126.com
Supported by:
稀土硅酸盐环境障涂层(EBCs)有望应用于新一代高推重比航空发动机热端部件, 但是服役条件下的熔盐腐蚀成为限制其应用的瓶颈。CMAS组分和稀土硅酸盐的晶体结构等因素对其腐蚀行为产生显著影响。本工作以不同晶型的稀土硅酸盐涂层材料为研究对象, 采用大气等离子喷涂技术制备X1-Gd2SiO5、X2-RE2SiO5(RE=Y, Er)涂层, 并研究其在富Al2O3的CMAS熔盐环境(1400 ℃)的腐蚀行为与机制。结果表明, X2-RE2SiO5(RE=Y, Er)涂层耐蚀性能优于X1-Gd2SiO5涂层, 这与涂层材料的物相组成和晶体结构的稳定性等因素有关。经CMAS腐蚀25 h后, X1-Gd2SiO5涂层表面仅生成磷灰石相; X2-RE2SiO5涂层不仅生成磷灰石相, 涂层中的RE2O3还与CMAS中的Al2O3反应生成石榴石相。生成石榴石相可提高涂层表面CMAS中CaO、SiO2的相对含量, 促进磷灰石致密层的生成, 从而改善其耐蚀性能。
范栋, 钟鑫, 王亚文, 张振忠, 牛亚然, 李其连, 张乐, 郑学斌. 富铝CMAS对稀土硅酸盐环境障涂层的腐蚀行为与机制研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(5): 544-552.
FAN Dong, ZHONG Xin, WANG Yawen, ZHANG Zhenzhong, NIU Yaran, LI Qilian, ZHANG Le, ZHENG Xuebin. Corrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Aluminum-rich CMAS on Rare-earth Silicate Environmental Barrier Coatings:[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(5): 544-552.
Parameter | RE2SiO5 (RE=Gd, Y, Er) |
Primary Ar/(L·min-1) | 43 |
Secondary H2/(L·min-1) | 12 |
Carrier Ar/(L·min-1) | 2.3 |
Spray distance/mm | 230 |
表1 等离子喷涂工艺参数
Table 1 Technical parameters used for plasma spraying
Parameter | RE2SiO5 (RE=Gd, Y, Er) |
Primary Ar/(L·min-1) | 43 |
Secondary H2/(L·min-1) | 12 |
Carrier Ar/(L·min-1) | 2.3 |
Spray distance/mm | 230 |
XRF/(%,in mol) | CaO | MgO | AlO1.5 | SiO2 |
CMAS | 27.87 | 8.79 | 26.22 | 38.52 |
表2 CMAS粉体的XRF化学元素组成
Table 2 Chemical compositions of CMAS powders
XRF/(%,in mol) | CaO | MgO | AlO1.5 | SiO2 |
CMAS | 27.87 | 8.79 | 26.22 | 38.52 |
图3 涂层经CMAS腐蚀4和25 h后的表面形貌
Fig. 3 Surface microstructures of coatings after corrosion for 4 and 25 h (a-b) X1-Gd2SiO5; (c-d) X2-Y2SiO5; (e-f) X2-Er2SiO5
EDS/ (%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 20.60 | — | — | 19.62 | 51.73 | 8.02 | — | — |
Point 2 | — | 26.04 | — | 17.55 | 50.57 | 5.83 | — | — |
Point 3 | — | — | 26.95 | 15.16 | 50.78 | 7.10 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 14.03 | — | 5.72 | 52.27 | 4.01 | 20.31 | 3.66 |
表3 图3中标记区域的EDS元素组成
Table 3 EDS elemental compositions of the marked regions in Fig. 3
EDS/ (%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 20.60 | — | — | 19.62 | 51.73 | 8.02 | — | — |
Point 2 | — | 26.04 | — | 17.55 | 50.57 | 5.83 | — | — |
Point 3 | — | — | 26.95 | 15.16 | 50.78 | 7.10 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 14.03 | — | 5.72 | 52.27 | 4.01 | 20.31 | 3.66 |
图4 涂层经CMAS腐蚀4 h后的截面形貌
Fig. 4 Cross-sectional microstructures of coatings after CMAS corrosion for 4 h (a, b) X1-Gd2SiO5; (c, d) X2-Y2SiO5; (e, f) X2-Er2SiO5
EDS/(%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 19.21 | — | —- | 11.70 | 60.65 | 8.44 | — | — |
Point 2 | 1.16 | — | — | 13.06 | 59.37 | 13.78 | 10.18 | 2.45 |
Point 3 | — | 15.29 | — | 16.00 | 61.82 | 6.89 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 7.18 | — | 15.50 | 50.17 | 9.58 | 12.14 | 5.43 |
Point 5 | — | 0.96 | — | 13.56 | 59.62 | 13.03 | 10.40 | 2.42 |
Point 6 | — | — | 20.27 | 12.11 | 61.12 | 6.50 | — | — |
Point 7 | — | — | 8.70 | 10.95 | 59.15 | 8.09 | 10.95 | 4.65 |
Point 8 | — | — | 0.92 | 3.29 | 58.74 | 19.61 | 3.29 | 2.07 |
表4 中标记区域的EDS元素组成
Table 4 EDS elemental compositions of the marked regions in Fig. 4
EDS/(%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 19.21 | — | —- | 11.70 | 60.65 | 8.44 | — | — |
Point 2 | 1.16 | — | — | 13.06 | 59.37 | 13.78 | 10.18 | 2.45 |
Point 3 | — | 15.29 | — | 16.00 | 61.82 | 6.89 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 7.18 | — | 15.50 | 50.17 | 9.58 | 12.14 | 5.43 |
Point 5 | — | 0.96 | — | 13.56 | 59.62 | 13.03 | 10.40 | 2.42 |
Point 6 | — | — | 20.27 | 12.11 | 61.12 | 6.50 | — | — |
Point 7 | — | — | 8.70 | 10.95 | 59.15 | 8.09 | 10.95 | 4.65 |
Point 8 | — | — | 0.92 | 3.29 | 58.74 | 19.61 | 3.29 | 2.07 |
图5 X1-Gd2SiO5与X2-RE2SiO5(RE=Y, Er)涂层腐蚀25 h后的截面形貌
Fig. 5 Cross-sectional microstructures of the X1-Gd2SiO5 coating after corrosion for 25 h (a) X1-Gd2SiO5; (b) X2-Y2SiO5; (c) X2-Er2SiO5
EDS/ (%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 24.48 | — | — | 16.22 | 51.61 | 7.68 | — | — |
Point 2 | 1.05 | — | — | 12.62 | 59.63 | 14.25 | 9.78 | 2.66 |
Point 3 | — | 26.70 | — | 15.78 | 50.12 | 7.40 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 17.10 | — | 8.23 | 51.25 | 2.92 | 16.41 | 4.09 |
Point 5 | — | 0.94 | — | 14.23 | 57.36 | 13.94 | 11.98 | 1.54 |
Point 6 | — | — | 28.80 | 12.77 | 52.22 | 6.22 | — | — |
Point 7 | — | — | 7.12 | 13.05 | 49.26 | 7.08 | 18.26 | 5.24 |
表5 图5中标记区域的EDS元素组成
Table 5 EDS elemental compositions of the marked regions in Fig. 5
EDS/ (%, in atom) | Gd | Y | Er | Si | O | Ca | Al | Mg |
Point 1 | 24.48 | — | — | 16.22 | 51.61 | 7.68 | — | — |
Point 2 | 1.05 | — | — | 12.62 | 59.63 | 14.25 | 9.78 | 2.66 |
Point 3 | — | 26.70 | — | 15.78 | 50.12 | 7.40 | — | — |
Point 4 | — | 17.10 | — | 8.23 | 51.25 | 2.92 | 16.41 | 4.09 |
Point 5 | — | 0.94 | — | 14.23 | 57.36 | 13.94 | 11.98 | 1.54 |
Point 6 | — | — | 28.80 | 12.77 | 52.22 | 6.22 | — | — |
Point 7 | — | — | 7.12 | 13.05 | 49.26 | 7.08 | 18.26 | 5.24 |
图6 不同涂层在1400 ℃下CMAS熔盐腐蚀的示意图
Fig. 6 Schematic diagrams of different coatings under CMAS molten salt corrosion at 1400 ℃ (a) Reaction process; (b) X1-Gd2SiO5; (c) X2-Y2SiO5; (d) X2-Er2SiO5
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