无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 585-595.DOI: 10.15541/jim20210358 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20210358
所属专题: 【制备方法】3D打印(202409); 2022年度中国知网高下载论文
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南博1,2(), 臧佳栋3, 陆文龙3, 杨廷旺3, 张升伟3, 张海波1,2(
张海波, 教授. E-mail: hbzhang@hust.edu.cn作者简介:
南 博(1989-), 男, 博士. E-mail: bonan@hust.edu.cn
NAN Bo1,2(), ZANG Jiadong3, LU Wenlong3, YANG Tingwang3, ZHANG Shengwei3, ZHANG Haibo1,2(
ZHANG Haibo, professor. E-mail: hbzhang@hust.edu.cnAbout author:
NAN Bo (1989-), male, PhD. E-mail: bonan@hust.edu.cn
压电陶瓷是一种可以实现机械信号和电信号相互转换的功能陶瓷。由压电陶瓷与有机相构成的复合材料具有不同的宏观连接方式, 这不仅决定了压电器件广泛的应用场合, 而且推动了压电陶瓷材料和器件多样化的成型技术发展。与传统成型技术相比, 增材制造技术的最大优势在于无需模具即可实现外形复杂的小批量样品快速成型, 这与多样化的压电陶瓷及其器件研发需求十分契合, 同时因其样品后续加工量少、原材料利用率高、无需切削液的特点, 得到了学术界和工业界的广泛关注。在陶瓷材料增材制造领域, 功能陶瓷和器件的研究仍在增长期。本文从不同增材制造技术角度, 探讨和对比现阶段无铅和含铅压电陶瓷增材制造的发展历史、原料制备、外形设计、功能特性检测及试样的应用, 并根据现阶段各增材制造技术的优、劣势对其未来进行了展望。
南博, 臧佳栋, 陆文龙, 杨廷旺, 张升伟, 张海波. 增材制造压电陶瓷研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(6): 585-595.
NAN Bo, ZANG Jiadong, LU Wenlong, YANG Tingwang, ZHANG Shengwei, ZHANG Haibo. Recent Progress on Additive Manufacturing of Piezoelectric Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(6): 585-595.
图1 压电陶瓷的连接方式与常用于压电陶瓷的增材制造技术示意图
Fig. 1 Connectivities of piezoelectric ceramics and schematic pictures of common AM techniques applied for preparing piezoelectric ceramics (a) 10 types of connectivitities in bi-phase composites[10]; (b) Vat photopolymerization[18]; (c) Direct ink writing[21]; (d) Inkjet printing[23]; (e) Fused deposition modelling[26]; (f) Binder jetting[29]
AM techniques | Advantages | Disadvantages | Ingredients of raw materials | Binder system | Ref. |
Vat photo- polymerization (VP) | Low surface roughness, high printing accuracy | High cost of ceramic paste and machine, low degree of open source | Photosensitive polymer + ceramic powder/ceramic precursor | Photosensitive polymer | [ |
Direct ink writing (DIW) | Open source, multi-materials printing | Clogging of nozzles, high surface roughness | Powder + polymer solution (high viscosity)/ceramic precursor | Water/oil based | [ |
Inkjet printing (IP) | Open source, high printing accuracy | Low solids loading, easy precipitation of the particles | Powder + polymer solution (low viscosity)/ceramic precursor | Water/oil based | [ |
Fused deposition modelling (FDM) | Open source, low cost of the machine | Low relative density, low accuracy | Ceramic powder + polymer (filament) | Thermal plastic polymers | [ |
Binder jetting (BJ) | High quality, gradient materials | High cost of machine, reuse of the powder bed | Powder bed + polymer solution | Water/oil based | [ |
表1 陶瓷增材制造技术的优缺点和原材料成分对比
Table 1 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages and composition of the feedstocks among several AM techniques applied in ceramics
AM techniques | Advantages | Disadvantages | Ingredients of raw materials | Binder system | Ref. |
Vat photo- polymerization (VP) | Low surface roughness, high printing accuracy | High cost of ceramic paste and machine, low degree of open source | Photosensitive polymer + ceramic powder/ceramic precursor | Photosensitive polymer | [ |
Direct ink writing (DIW) | Open source, multi-materials printing | Clogging of nozzles, high surface roughness | Powder + polymer solution (high viscosity)/ceramic precursor | Water/oil based | [ |
Inkjet printing (IP) | Open source, high printing accuracy | Low solids loading, easy precipitation of the particles | Powder + polymer solution (low viscosity)/ceramic precursor | Water/oil based | [ |
Fused deposition modelling (FDM) | Open source, low cost of the machine | Low relative density, low accuracy | Ceramic powder + polymer (filament) | Thermal plastic polymers | [ |
Binder jetting (BJ) | High quality, gradient materials | High cost of machine, reuse of the powder bed | Powder bed + polymer solution | Water/oil based | [ |
图2 不同形状的压电陶瓷BT阵列[39]
Fig. 2 Piezoelectric BT arrays with different shapes[39] (a) Dot array; (b-c) Square arrays with different sized void spaces; (d) Honeycomb array
图3 可调节压电常数的压电超材料设计[44]
Fig. 3 Design of piezoelectric metamaterials for tailorable piezoelectric charge constants[44] (a-g): Node unit designs from 3-, 4-, 5- and 8-strut identical projection patterns, respectively; (h) Node unit with dissimilar projection patterns showing decoupled $\bar{d}_{31}$, $\bar{d}_{32}$; (i) Dimensionless piezoelectric anisotropy design space accommodating different 3D node unit designs with distinct d3M distributions
图4 直写式打印压电陶瓷材料的宏观、微观形貌及应用
Fig. 4 Macrostructure, microstructure and application of piezoelectric ceramics prepared by direct ink writing (a-c) PZT in 3-3, 3-2 and 3-1 connectivity (upper and lower pictures show the surface and cross-section of the sample, respectively)[56]; (d) Linear and annular samples with a size bar of 5 mm; (e) Cross-section of LA-2 in (d)[57]; (f) Captured image of 12 LEDs driven by the capacitor charged by KNN/PDMS[59]; (g) Alizarin Red staining of BST/40% β-TCP composite, indicating the maximum mineral deposition with a good biomineralization activity[65]
图5 喷墨打印柱状阵列高度差异[71]
Fig. 5 Different heights of pillar arrays made by ink-jet printing[71] (a) Sample printed in 1000 layers; (b) Sample printed in 4000 layers
图6 熔融沉积成型的部分样品的宏观、微观形貌
Fig. 6 Macrostructures and microstructures of samples prepared by fused deposition modelling (a) 3-3 porous ladder sample[85]; (b) Wax mould[85]; (c) 1-3 pillar arrays made by lost mould process (mould in (b))[85]; (d) 2-2 linear sample[86]; (e) Left showing 2-2 annular ring and right showing 3-3 ladder structures[85]
Material | AM techniques | Connectivities | εr | tanδ | Poling conditions | d33/(pC·N-1) | kt | Ref. |
BT | VP | 1-3 | 1350 | - | 30 kV·cm-1, 100 ℃ 30 min | 160 | 0.474 | [ |
BT | VP | 1-3 | 920 | 0.07 | 2 V·μm-1, 120 ℃ 30 min | 87 | 0.3 | [ |
PZT | VP | 1-3 | 1040 | 0.020 | 30-40 kV·cm-1, 70 ℃ 15 min, silicone oil | 345 | 0.53 | [ |
PZT | DIW | Concentric ring | 1081 | - | 25 kV·cm-1, room temperature 30 min | 496 | - | [ |
KNN | DIW | 3-3 | 1775 | - | 2.5 kV·mm-1, 100 ℃ 20 min, silicone oil | 280 | - | [ |
BT | DIW | Bulk | 4730 | 0.033 | 0.66 MV·m-1, 80 ℃ 15 h, silicon oil | 200 | - | [ |
BCZT | DIW | 3-3 | 1046 | 0.021 | 3 kV·mm-1, room temperature 30 min, silicon oil | (100±4) | - | [ |
Nb-PZT | IP | 2-2 | ~700 | ~0.04 | 4 kV·mm-1, 120 ℃ 40 min, silicon oil | - | 0.46 | [ |
PZT | FDM | 3-3 | 700 | - | 25 kV, 70 ℃ 15-20 min, Corona technique | (290±10) | 0.5 | [ |
PZT | FDM | 2-2 | 627 | 0.023 | 26 kV, 60 ℃ 15 min, Corona technique | (397±16) | 0.68, 0.32(kp) | [ |
表2 增材制造压电陶瓷功能性能
Table 2 Functional properties of piezoelectric ceramics made by AM
Material | AM techniques | Connectivities | εr | tanδ | Poling conditions | d33/(pC·N-1) | kt | Ref. |
BT | VP | 1-3 | 1350 | - | 30 kV·cm-1, 100 ℃ 30 min | 160 | 0.474 | [ |
BT | VP | 1-3 | 920 | 0.07 | 2 V·μm-1, 120 ℃ 30 min | 87 | 0.3 | [ |
PZT | VP | 1-3 | 1040 | 0.020 | 30-40 kV·cm-1, 70 ℃ 15 min, silicone oil | 345 | 0.53 | [ |
PZT | DIW | Concentric ring | 1081 | - | 25 kV·cm-1, room temperature 30 min | 496 | - | [ |
KNN | DIW | 3-3 | 1775 | - | 2.5 kV·mm-1, 100 ℃ 20 min, silicone oil | 280 | - | [ |
BT | DIW | Bulk | 4730 | 0.033 | 0.66 MV·m-1, 80 ℃ 15 h, silicon oil | 200 | - | [ |
BCZT | DIW | 3-3 | 1046 | 0.021 | 3 kV·mm-1, room temperature 30 min, silicon oil | (100±4) | - | [ |
Nb-PZT | IP | 2-2 | ~700 | ~0.04 | 4 kV·mm-1, 120 ℃ 40 min, silicon oil | - | 0.46 | [ |
PZT | FDM | 3-3 | 700 | - | 25 kV, 70 ℃ 15-20 min, Corona technique | (290±10) | 0.5 | [ |
PZT | FDM | 2-2 | 627 | 0.023 | 26 kV, 60 ℃ 15 min, Corona technique | (397±16) | 0.68, 0.32(kp) | [ |
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