无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 477-488.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220515

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苑景坤(), 熊书锋, 陈张伟()   

  1. 深圳大学 增材制造研究所, 深圳 518110
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-02 修回日期:2022-10-10 出版日期:2022-10-19 网络出版日期:2022-10-19
  • 通讯作者: 陈张伟, 教授. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:苑景坤(1985-), 男, 博士. E-mail: yuanjk@szu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research Trends and Challenges of Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-derived Ceramics

YUAN Jingkun(), XIONG Shufeng, CHEN Zhangwei()   

  1. Additive Manufacturing Institute, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518110, China
  • Received:2022-09-02 Revised:2022-10-10 Published:2022-10-19 Online:2022-10-19
  • Contact: CHEN Zhangwei, Professor. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cn
  • About author:YUAN Jingkun (1985-), male, PhD. E-mail: yuanjk@szu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Key-Area Research Program of Universities in Guangdong(2022ZDZX3017);National Natural Science Foundation of China(51975384);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52075343);Special Support Plan of Guandong Province(2021TQ05Z151);Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen Science and Technology Program(JCYJ20190808144009478);Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen Science and Technology Program(20200731211324001);Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen Science and Technology Program(GJHZ20210705141803011)


近年来, 增材制造技术作为一种新兴的制造技术受到了广泛关注。该技术在高性能陶瓷材料的成型制造领域具有巨大的发展潜力, 有望突破传统陶瓷加工和生产的技术瓶颈, 极大提升高性能陶瓷产品的设计和制备的自由度, 从而为高性能陶瓷材料制造技术的发展提供变革性的推动力。前驱体转化陶瓷通过化学方法制得聚合物,再经热处理转化为陶瓷材料。聚合物前驱体充分利用了自身良好的可加工性特点, 实现了目标结构的预成型, 并通过热处理工艺获得传统陶瓷工艺难以获得的先进陶瓷材料。而聚合物前驱体材料与增材制造技术的结合更受到了极大关注。本文在介绍聚合物前驱体增材制造技术特点的基础上, 系统阐述了聚合物前驱体增材制造技术的研究与应用前沿的现状与趋势, 并分析了聚合物前驱体增材制造技术面对的挑战以及未来发展方向。

关键词: 聚合物前驱体, 前驱体转换陶瓷, 增材制造, 3D打印, 先进陶瓷, 综述


As an emerging manufacturing technology, additive manufacturing technology, also known as 3D printing technology, has received extensive attention in recent years. Additive manufacturing technology has great potential in the industry of high-performance ceramics. It is expected to break the technical bottle neck of the traditional manufacturing technologies used for ceramic fabrication and greatly improve the flexibility of design and manufacturing of high-performance ceramics. This will provide a transformative impetus for the development of the manufacturing technology of the high-performance ceramic materials. Polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs) are a class of polymers obtained by chemical methods and can be transformed into ceramics by heat treatments, i.e., pyrolysis. Due to the good machinability and formability of the PDC materials themselves, the pre-forming of the designed target structures can be easily realized. These structures might not be possible with traditional ceramic manufacturing. Therefore, the combination of PDCs and additive manufacturing technology has attracted great attention from researchers. This review introduces characteristics of the additive manufacturing technology used for preceramics. Based on that, the present research status, trends and applications are also systematically described and discussed. The challenges and future directions of the additive manufacturing of polymer-derived ceramics are given for the guidance of future development.

Key words: polymer precursor, polymer-derived ceramics, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, high- performance ceramics, review
