无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 477-488.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220515
• 综述 • 下一篇
陈张伟, 教授. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cn作者简介:
苑景坤(1985-), 男, 博士. E-mail: yuanjk@szu.edu.cn
YUAN Jingkun(), XIONG Shufeng, CHEN Zhangwei()
CHEN Zhangwei, Professor. E-mail: chen@szu.edu.cnAbout author:
YUAN Jingkun (1985-), male, PhD. E-mail: yuanjk@szu.edu.cn
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近年来, 增材制造技术作为一种新兴的制造技术受到了广泛关注。该技术在高性能陶瓷材料的成型制造领域具有巨大的发展潜力, 有望突破传统陶瓷加工和生产的技术瓶颈, 极大提升高性能陶瓷产品的设计和制备的自由度, 从而为高性能陶瓷材料制造技术的发展提供变革性的推动力。前驱体转化陶瓷通过化学方法制得聚合物,再经热处理转化为陶瓷材料。聚合物前驱体充分利用了自身良好的可加工性特点, 实现了目标结构的预成型, 并通过热处理工艺获得传统陶瓷工艺难以获得的先进陶瓷材料。而聚合物前驱体材料与增材制造技术的结合更受到了极大关注。本文在介绍聚合物前驱体增材制造技术特点的基础上, 系统阐述了聚合物前驱体增材制造技术的研究与应用前沿的现状与趋势, 并分析了聚合物前驱体增材制造技术面对的挑战以及未来发展方向。
苑景坤, 熊书锋, 陈张伟. 聚合物前驱体转化陶瓷增材制造技术研究趋势与挑战[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(5): 477-488.
YUAN Jingkun, XIONG Shufeng, CHEN Zhangwei. Research Trends and Challenges of Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-derived Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(5): 477-488.
图2 聚合物前驱体转化陶瓷的增材制造过程与实例[14]
Fig. 2 Additive manufacturing of polymer-derived ceramics[14]. (a) UV-curable preceramic monomers and photoinitiator; (b) SL printing process; (c) As-printed parts; (d) As-pyrolyzed ceramic; (e) Examples of final parts
图3 四种不同的陶瓷前驱体的DLP 3D打印工艺示意图(左)及实物照片和显微照片[28]
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram (left) of DLP printing process of four different preceramic polymers, and optical microscopic images and photographs of the printed structures [28] (a, c, e, g) Optical microscopic images of the printed structures; (b, d, f, h) Photographs of the printed structures before and after pyrolysis
图4 SiCw/SiC矩阵在不同打印高度或不同固体负载悬浮液下的SEM照片(左)及其示意图(右)[19]
Fig. 4 SEM images of SiCw/SiC lattices under different printing height or using suspensions with different solid loading (left) and schematic illustration of the morphology of extruded filaments with different printing height (right)[19] (a-c) Printed with 62.3% solid loading (in vol.); (d-f) Printed with 57.7%, 59.9% and 62.3% solid loadings (in vol.); (g-i) Enlarged views of the squares in (d-f)
图5 1000 ℃热解处理后的开尔文点阵结构的SEM照片
Fig. 5 SEM images of Kelvin cell structures pyrolyzed at 1000 ℃[38] (a-c) Kelvin cell structures pyrolyzed at 1000 ℃ on support pillars with increasing height, to reduce shrinkage constraints from the glass substrate during pyrolysis; (d-f) Magnification of the samples shown in the upper row
图6 3D打印双金属掺杂前驱体的照片及机械性能[41]
Fig. 6 Pictures and mechanical properties of 3D printing of bimetal-doped precursor[41] (a-c) Lattice CAD model, resin and SiOC ceramics; (d-f) SEM images of different curing layer thickness; (g-i) Mechanical properties
图7 点阵模型及打印件裂解后的宏(左)微(右, (a~d))观结构[44]
Fig. 7 CAD models and optical images of the samples after printing and pyrolysis (left column), SEM images of the samples’ skeleton surface after pyrolysis (right two columns, (a-d))[44]
图8 引入不同比例硅油添加剂的SiOC陶瓷热解样件的宏观(a~c)与微观(d~f)形貌照片[46], (g)添加适当比例酚醛树脂制备的样件的CAD模型、打印素坯与热解后样件宏观实物图[47]
Fig. 8 (a-c) Optical images of the SiOC ceramic samples with different proportion of silicone oil additive, (d-f) closer looks of the corresponding samples in (a-c) [46], and (g) CAD models, green and pyrolyzed samples with the addition of phenolic resin additive [47]
图9 支撑凝胶内的3D打印陶瓷前驱体的工艺流程示意图(a)及其打印示例(b)、打印样品(c~e)、热解样品(f, g)[53]
Fig. 9 Schematic of 3D printing of polymer-derived ceramics inside a support gel (a), illustration of the printing (b), printed samples (c-e), and pyrolyzed samples (f, g)[53]
图10 不同参数打印的陶瓷立方体的SEM和AFM照片以及CAD设计[58]
Fig. 10 CAD design of the nozzle compared with the final pyrolysed part and SEM images[58] Left: SEM images and AFM images (Col.1, 2 and 4) of ceramic cubes printed with different parameters, with the measured corresponding mean values of the linear shrinkage (Col.3) and the average roughness (Col.5). Upper-right: CAD designs of two different structures and final pyrolysed parts. Lower-right: CAD design of the nozzle compared with the final ceramic part with their SEM images at 0°(I.a and II.a) and 60°(I.b and II.b), and their corresponding X-ray microtomographies from different angles (a-j)
图11 4D打印过程示意图及其成型构件[59]
Fig. 11 Origami and 4D printing of PDCs via DIW-morphing-heat treatment method[59] (a) 3D printed elastomeric lattices; (b) Optical image of DIW; (c) Origami of ceramic structures; (d, e) Two 4D printing methods together with heat treatment; (f) Flat and curved cellphone back plate; (g) Top view of flat plate; (h) Curved ceramic honeycomb; Inset indicates the curvature of the honeycomb. Scale bars:1 cm
Material | AM Tech. | Ceramic yield/% (in mass) | Monolith/ skeleton porosity/% | Density/ (g·cm-3) | Linear shrinkage/ % | Compressive strength/MPa | Tensile strength/ GPa | Hardness/ GPa | Elastic modulus/ GPa | Ref. |
SiCN | DLP | 80 | 0 | 2.28 | 20 | - | - | 10 | 78 | [ |
SiCN | DLP | 25.3 | 6.9 | 2.167 | 62.9 | >50 | - | >33 | [ | |
SiOC | DLP | 44.1 | 1.5 | 2.1 | 35.4 | 0.124-0.156 | - | ~7.61 | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | 40.1 | 0 | 2.1 | 51.5 | 10 | 1.9 | - | 3.1 | [ |
SiOC | DIW | 94 | 0 | - | 8 | 56.4 | - | - | 28.9 | [ |
SiOC | DIW | - | 0 | - | 55(vol) | ∼3.1 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOCN | DIW | 77 | 50 | 1.05 | - | 0.3-0.9 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | SLS | 82 | 0 | 2.64 | 3 | 220 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DIW | 31.3-58.84 | 86.5 | 1.97 | 46.7(vol) | 2.92 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | 29.63 | 3.64 | 1.60 | 42.01 | 19.08 | - | 5.82 | 46.4 | [ |
SiOC | BJ3DP | 16.5 | 19 | 1.84 | 22.2 | 20 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | ~30 | 47 | 1.95 | 30 | 12.9 | - | - | - | [ |
表1 部分前驱体转化陶瓷材料所使用的3D打印工艺和热解样件的性能总结
Table 1 Summary of various 3D printing techniques used for different PDC materials and their properties after pyrolysis
Material | AM Tech. | Ceramic yield/% (in mass) | Monolith/ skeleton porosity/% | Density/ (g·cm-3) | Linear shrinkage/ % | Compressive strength/MPa | Tensile strength/ GPa | Hardness/ GPa | Elastic modulus/ GPa | Ref. |
SiCN | DLP | 80 | 0 | 2.28 | 20 | - | - | 10 | 78 | [ |
SiCN | DLP | 25.3 | 6.9 | 2.167 | 62.9 | >50 | - | >33 | [ | |
SiOC | DLP | 44.1 | 1.5 | 2.1 | 35.4 | 0.124-0.156 | - | ~7.61 | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | 40.1 | 0 | 2.1 | 51.5 | 10 | 1.9 | - | 3.1 | [ |
SiOC | DIW | 94 | 0 | - | 8 | 56.4 | - | - | 28.9 | [ |
SiOC | DIW | - | 0 | - | 55(vol) | ∼3.1 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOCN | DIW | 77 | 50 | 1.05 | - | 0.3-0.9 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | SLS | 82 | 0 | 2.64 | 3 | 220 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DIW | 31.3-58.84 | 86.5 | 1.97 | 46.7(vol) | 2.92 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | 29.63 | 3.64 | 1.60 | 42.01 | 19.08 | - | 5.82 | 46.4 | [ |
SiOC | BJ3DP | 16.5 | 19 | 1.84 | 22.2 | 20 | - | - | - | [ |
SiOC | DLP | ~30 | 47 | 1.95 | 30 | 12.9 | - | - | - | [ |
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