无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 903-910.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220115 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20220115
韦婷婷(), 徐华蕊(
), 朱归胜, 龙神峰, 张秀云, 赵昀云, 江旭鹏, 宋金杰, 郭宁杰, 龚祎鹏
徐华蕊, 教授. E-mail: huaruixu@guet.edu.cn作者简介:
韦婷婷(1995-), 女, 硕士研究生. E-mail: 631359334@QQ.com
WEI Tingting(), XU Huarui(
), ZHU Guisheng, LONG Shenfeng, ZHANG Xiuyun, ZHAO Yunyun, JIANG Xupeng, SONG Jinjie, GUO Ningjie, GONG Yipeng
XU Huarui, professor. E-mail: huaruixu@guet.edu.cnAbout author:
WEI Tingting(1995-), female, Master candidate. E-mail: 631359334@QQ.com
Supported by:
近年来, 冷烧结低温制备陶瓷引起了很大关注, 并在BaTiO3陶瓷的制备上取得了一定进展。为了提高冷烧结BaTiO3陶瓷性能, 本研究采用水热法制备了分散性好、粒径为100 nm的四方相(晶格参数c/a为1.0085) BaTiO3粉末。采用0.1 mol/L的乙酸在100 ℃/1 h的条件下对粉末进行水热活化处理。以质量分数10% Ba(OH)2·8H2O为熔剂, 在350 MPa、400 ℃/1 h的条件下对粉体进行冷烧结, 最后经600 ℃/0.5 h退火获得了相对密度为96.62%、晶粒尺寸为180 nm, 常温介电(εr)为2836, 介电损耗(tanδ)低至0.03的BaTiO3陶瓷。乙酸处理后高活性粉末表面形成的非晶钛层有效促进了陶瓷的致密化, 抑制了杂相的生成和晶粒长大, 提高了介电性能, 大幅改善了冷烧结BaTiO3陶瓷出现的介电弥散现象, 从而实现了BaTiO3陶瓷的低温冷烧结制备。
韦婷婷, 徐华蕊, 朱归胜, 龙神峰, 张秀云, 赵昀云, 江旭鹏, 宋金杰, 郭宁杰, 龚祎鹏. BaTiO3陶瓷的低温冷烧结制备及性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(8): 903-910.
WEI Tingting, XU Huarui, ZHU Guisheng, LONG Shenfeng, ZHANG Xiuyun, ZHAO Yunyun, JIANG Xupeng, SONG Jinjie, GUO Ningjie, GONG Yipeng. Preparation and Properties of BaTiO3 Ceramics by Low Temperature Cold Sintering[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(8): 903-910.
Powder | D10/nm | D50/nm | D90/nm |
A1 | 74 | 103 | 124 |
A2 | 76 | 107 | 129 |
表1 粉体粒径分布数据
Table 1 Size distribution of powders
Powder | D10/nm | D50/nm | D90/nm |
A1 | 74 | 103 | 124 |
A2 | 76 | 107 | 129 |
Powder | Ba | Ti | O | C | Ba/Ti |
A1 | 10.88 | 10.81 | 39.81 | 38.45 | 1.0075 |
A2 | 7.52 | 13.47 | 39.14 | 39.87 | 0.5583 |
表2 粉末A1、A2表面各元素的相对原子比
Table 2 Relative atomic ratio of A1 and A2 powder surfaces
Powder | Ba | Ti | O | C | Ba/Ti |
A1 | 10.88 | 10.81 | 39.81 | 38.45 | 1.0075 |
A2 | 7.52 | 13.47 | 39.14 | 39.87 | 0.5583 |
图5 BaTiO3陶瓷的XRD图谱
Fig. 5 XRD patterns of BaTiO3 ceramics (b, c) Local magnification XRD patterns in the range of 2θ=43°-47° and 21.5°-25°, respectively
Process | Relative density | εr (1 kHz) | εr@Tc (1 kHz) | Tc (1 kHz) | tanδ |
A2-CPS | 92.73% | 930 | 1413 | 128 ℃ | 0.08 |
A1-CPS-CS | 95.78% | 2768 | 5813 | 124 ℃ | 0.06 |
A2-CPS-CS | 96.62% | 2836 | 7274 | 123 ℃ | 0.03 |
表3 陶瓷的相对密度与介电性能
Table 3 Relative density and dielectric properties of ceramics
Process | Relative density | εr (1 kHz) | εr@Tc (1 kHz) | Tc (1 kHz) | tanδ |
A2-CPS | 92.73% | 930 | 1413 | 128 ℃ | 0.08 |
A1-CPS-CS | 95.78% | 2768 | 5813 | 124 ℃ | 0.06 |
A2-CPS-CS | 96.62% | 2836 | 7274 | 123 ℃ | 0.03 |
Process | Flux (in mass) | Temperature/Pressure | Time/h | Density/% | εr(1 kHz) | tanδ (1 kHz) | Heat treatment | Ref. |
CSP-CS | Ba(OH)2/TiO2 soultion | 180 ℃/430 MPa | 1-3 h | 95 | 1760 | 0.04 | 700-900 ℃/3 h | [ |
CSP | NaOH-KOH | 300 ℃/520 MPa | 12 h | 98 | 1800 | 0.04 | - | [ |
Surface coating/CSP-CS | H2O, Ba(OH)2 solution | 220 ℃/500 MPa | 1 h | 97 | 1550 | 0.02 | 700-900 ℃/3 h | [ |
1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 20% Ba(OH)2∙8H2O | 225 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 95 | 1440 | 0.09 | - | [ |
1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 11% Sr(OH)2∙8H2O | 275 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 92 | 1500 | 0.08 | - | [ |
0.1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 10% Ba(OH)2∙8H2O | 400 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 96 | 2830 | 0.03 | 600 ℃/0.5 h | Thiswork |
表4 文献报道的BaTiO3陶瓷冷烧结性能对比
Table 4 Summary of cold sintering of BaTiO3 ceramics
Process | Flux (in mass) | Temperature/Pressure | Time/h | Density/% | εr(1 kHz) | tanδ (1 kHz) | Heat treatment | Ref. |
CSP-CS | Ba(OH)2/TiO2 soultion | 180 ℃/430 MPa | 1-3 h | 95 | 1760 | 0.04 | 700-900 ℃/3 h | [ |
CSP | NaOH-KOH | 300 ℃/520 MPa | 12 h | 98 | 1800 | 0.04 | - | [ |
Surface coating/CSP-CS | H2O, Ba(OH)2 solution | 220 ℃/500 MPa | 1 h | 97 | 1550 | 0.02 | 700-900 ℃/3 h | [ |
1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 20% Ba(OH)2∙8H2O | 225 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 95 | 1440 | 0.09 | - | [ |
1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 11% Sr(OH)2∙8H2O | 275 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 92 | 1500 | 0.08 | - | [ |
0.1 mol/L acetic acid/powder-CSP | 10% Ba(OH)2∙8H2O | 400 ℃/350 MPa | 1 h | 96 | 2830 | 0.03 | 600 ℃/0.5 h | Thiswork |
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