无机材料学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 1071-1087.DOI: 10.15541/jim20190622 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20190622
所属专题: 能源材料论文精选(一):锂离子电池(2020)
• 综述 • 下一篇
王亚楠(1981-), 男, 博士, 讲师. E-mail:wyn@sdu.edu.cn.
WANG Yanan1,2,3(),LI Hua1,2,3,WANG Zhengkun1,LI Qingfeng1,LIAN Chen1,HE Xin1
About author:
WANG Yanan(1981–), male, PhD, lecturer. E-mail: wyn@sdu.edu.cn
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在锂离子电池的充放电过程中, 由锂离子扩散过程产生的浓度梯度和活性材料锂化膨胀产生的变形会导致扩散应力。过大的扩散应力会造成活性颗粒的破裂、活性颗粒之间的分离、活性层的断裂以及活性层与集流体的分层等多种力学失效形式, 并最终导致电池出现容量衰减、阻抗上升和寿命缩短等一系列失效现象。因此扩散应力及其诱导的锂离子电池失效机理已经成为锂离子电池研究领域的热点之一, 具有重要的理论研究意义和实际应用价值。本文尝试从活性颗粒、活性电极、半电池、电池单元和电池单体等不同尺度, 综述近年来与扩散应力诱导的锂离子电池失效机理相关的研究进展, 介绍各尺度下扩散应力的产生机制和研究手段, 分析扩散应力对电池力学和电化学性能的影响规律, 梳理和总结扩散应力的影响因素, 最后对该领域今后的研究方向与发展趋势进行了展望。
王亚楠, 李华, 王正坤, 厉青峰, 练晨, 何鑫. 扩散应力诱导的锂离子电池失效机理研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2020, 35(10): 1071-1087.
WANG Yanan, LI Hua, WANG Zhengkun, LI Qingfeng, LIAN Chen, HE Xin. Progress on Failure Mechanism of Lithium Ion Battery Caused by Diffusion Induced Stress[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2020, 35(10): 1071-1087.
图1 锂离子电池在不同尺度上产生的扩散应力
Fig. 1 Different scales of diffusion-induced stress in lithium-ion batteries (a) Active particle[4]; (b) Active electrode[5]; (c) Half cell[6]; (d) Cell unit[7]; (e) Cell[8]
图4 球形硅颗粒的锂化过程[14]
Fig. 4 Lithiation process of the spherical silicon particle[14] (a) Initial state; (b) Outer layer expansion and surface cracking of the particle during lithiation
图5 (a)纳米线颗粒及其锂化过程[23]; (b)具有初始分层缺陷的纳米线颗粒的初始状态和锂化膨胀状态[25]; (c)受到机械夹持的纳米线颗粒的初始状态和锂化膨胀状态[26]
Fig. 5 (a) Nanowire particle and its lithiation process[23]; (b) Initial state and lithiation expansion state of nanowire particle with initial delamination defect[25]; (c) Initial state and lithiation expansion state of nanowire particle with mechanical clamping[26]
图6 (a)具有碳包覆外壳的实心球颗粒[31]; (b)碳包覆的实心球颗粒与空心球颗粒在锂化过程中的锂浓度分布[32]; (c)具有碳包覆外壳的的纳米管颗粒[33]
Fig. 6 (a) Solid sphere particle with carbon-coated shell[31]; (b) Lithium concentration distribution of carbon-coated solid sphere particle and hollow sphere particle during lithiation[32]; (c) Nanotube particle with carbon-coated shell[33]
图7 (a)双相脱嵌机制的球形颗粒的脱锂过程[35]; (b)双相脱嵌机制的球形颗粒锂化过程中的表面切向应力[36], 其中空心圆, 实心圆, 星号和星形分别代表颗粒的初始无量纲尺寸为0.01, 0.1, 1.0和10.0; (c)临界尺寸L与放电倍率的关系[42]
Fig. 7 (a) Delithiation process of spherical particle with two-phase deintercalation mechanism[35]; (b) Surface tangential stress of spherical particle during lithiation process with two-phase deintercalation mechanism[36], the hollow circle, solid circle, asterisk and star represent the initial dimensionless sizes of the particles as 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0, respectively; (c) Relationship between critical dimension and discharge rate[42]
Factor | Specific interpretation | Ref. |
Particle shape | Solid sphere, hollow sphere, ellipsoid, cube, etc. | [ |
Particle size | Radius/diameter, shell thickness, aspect ratio, edge length, etc. | [ |
Material properties | Lithium expansion coefficient, elastic modulus, plastic deformation, strain rate, partial molar volume, medium expansion rate, lithium diffusion coefficient, etc. | [ [28-30] |
Nanowires and nanotubes | Slender linear or tubular structures with small diameters | [ |
Coating shell | Carbon coating, alumina coating, etc. | [ |
Phase separation | Single- and two-phase deintercalation mechanism | [ |
Dislocation effect | Microscopic defects in crystalline materials caused by local irregular arrangement of atoms | [ |
Charging and discharging conditions | Ratio and strategy of charging and discharging, etc. | [ |
表1 单颗粒模型中影响扩散应力的因素
Table 1 Factors affecting diffusion-induced stress in a single particle model
Factor | Specific interpretation | Ref. |
Particle shape | Solid sphere, hollow sphere, ellipsoid, cube, etc. | [ |
Particle size | Radius/diameter, shell thickness, aspect ratio, edge length, etc. | [ |
Material properties | Lithium expansion coefficient, elastic modulus, plastic deformation, strain rate, partial molar volume, medium expansion rate, lithium diffusion coefficient, etc. | [ [28-30] |
Nanowires and nanotubes | Slender linear or tubular structures with small diameters | [ |
Coating shell | Carbon coating, alumina coating, etc. | [ |
Phase separation | Single- and two-phase deintercalation mechanism | [ |
Dislocation effect | Microscopic defects in crystalline materials caused by local irregular arrangement of atoms | [ |
Charging and discharging conditions | Ratio and strategy of charging and discharging, etc. | [ |
图8 (a)放电深度为60%时多颗粒模型中的锂浓度分布[46,47]; (b)考虑均匀基质的多颗粒模型及单颗粒-基质的代表性单元[48]; (c)考虑均匀基质的多颗粒-基质的电极结构及1C放电时活性颗粒的扩散应力分布[50]
Fig. 8 (a) Lithium concentration distribution in the multi-particle model at 60% Depth of Discharge (DOD)[46,47]; (b) Multi-particle model considering homogeneous matrix and single-particle-matrix representative unit[48]; (c) Multi-particle-matrix electrode structure considering homogeneous matrix and diffusion-induced stress distribution of active particles during 1C discharge[50]
图9 (a)通过X射线扫描建立的多颗粒模型, 其中黑色部分为活性颗粒和粘结剂, 绿色部分为电解液[53]; (b)1C倍率完全充满时多颗粒模型的扩散应力分布[54]
Fig. 9 (a) Multi-particle model established by X-ray scanning, (Black: The active particles and the binder; Blue: The electrolyte)[53]; (b) Diffusion-induced stress distribution of multi-particle model when fully charged at 1C rate[54]
图10 模型示意图
Fig. 10 Schematic diagrams of models (a) Cylindrical and plate electrode units[55]; (b) coin-shaped thin film silicon electrode[56]; (c) thin film silicon electrode considering dislocations[58]
图11 (a)考虑集流体塑性变形的双层电极的初始状态和锂化变形[62]; (b)石墨活性层和铜集流体组成的对称电极模型[63]; (c)石墨和硅的弹性模量随SOC的变化[69]
Fig. 11 (a) Initial state and lithiation deformation of the double-layer electrode considering plasticity of the current collector[62]; (b) Symmetrical electrode model composed of graphite active layers and copper current collector[63]; (c) Relationship between the elastic modulus of graphite and silicon and SOC[69]
图12 (a)硅双层电极发生开裂形成硅岛(上), 以及受到集流体约束的硅岛双层电极模型(下)[73]; (b)具有初始缺陷的硅岛双层电极在锂化后的扩散应力分布, 初始缺陷的长、短轴的长度比分别为0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8和1[75]
Fig. 12 (a) Double-layer silicon electrode cracks to form silicon islands (above), and double-layer electrode model of a silicon island constrained by a current collector (below)[73]; (b) Diffusion-induced stress distribution of the double-layer electrodes of silicon islands with initial defects after lithiation, the length ratios of the long and short axes of the initial defects are 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1, respectively[75]
图13 NMC311正极中颗粒的失效情况[77]
Fig. 13 Failure of particles in the NMC311 positive electrode[77] (a) Three-dimensional view of the electrode; (b) Views of the location near the separator and the current collector
图15 硅电极的裂纹扩展现象[80]
Fig. 15 Crack propagation of a silicon electrode[80] (a) Fresh electrode; (b) Electrode of 1000 nm thickness after 5 cycles; (c) Electrode of 500 nm thickness after 5 cycles; (d) Electrode of 200 nm thickness after 10 cycles
图16 (a)前三个循环期间石墨负极中的扩散应力[85]; (b)锂化和脱锂期间锗电极中扩散应力的演变, 其中箭头代表电极发生断裂的时刻[86]
Fig. 16 (a) Diffusion-induced stress in the graphite anode during the first 3 cycles[85]; (b) Evolution of diffusion-induced stress in a Ge electrode during lithiation and delithiation, the arrows represent the moment when the electrode fractures[86]
图17 放电期间电池单元中的扩散应力分布, 放电深度分别为(a) 8%, (b) 54%, (c) 67%和(d) 100% [90]
Fig. 17 Distribution of diffusion-induced stress in the cell unit during discharge, DOD are (a) 8%, (b) 54%, (c) 67% and (d) 100%, respectively[90]
图18 方形电池在充放电过程中的表面压力的(a)实验原理图和(b)随SOC的变化曲线[93]
Fig. 18 Surface pressure during charge and discharge of a prismatic cell [93] (a) Experimental schematic diagram; (b) Change of surface pressure with SOC
图19 (a)外部约束和EIS测试的实验原理[94]; (b)不同外部压力下阻抗随循环次数的变化[95]; (c)外部约束对电池循环寿命的影响, 蓝色、绿色、黄色和红色线条分别代表0, 0.05, 0.5和5 MPa的外部约束[96]; (d)健康状态(State of Health, SOH)随循环次数的变化, 蓝色、红色、黄色和紫色线条分别代表无外部约束, 恒定厚度约束, 弹性元件约束和恒力弹簧约束[97]
Fig. 19 (a) Experimental schematic diagram of the external constraint and EIS test[94]; (b) Impedance as a function of cycle times at different external pressures[95]; (c) Effect of external constraints on cycle lifetime of the cell, of which blue, green, yellow and red lines representing external constraints of 0, 0.05, 0.5 and 5 MPa, respectively[96]; (d) SOH as a function of cycle times, of which blue, red, yellow, and purple lines representing no external constraint, constant thickness constraint, elastic element constraint, and constant force spring constraint, respectively[97]
图20 充放电循环后卷芯的变形情况(a)X射线扫描结果和 (b)激光显微镜结果[101]
Fig. 20 Deformation of jelly roll after charge and discharge cycles (a) X-ray scan result and (b) Laser microscope result[101]
Failure phenomenon | Corresponding mechanism | Ref. |
Capacity decay/lifetime reduction | Side reaction of active particles and electrolyte results in regeneration of SEI film | [99] |
Excessive stress causes fracture of electrode | [100] | |
Uneven distribution of pressure inside cell brings about lithium precipitation on electrode | [100, 103] | |
Deformation of jelly roll leads to delamination between active layer and current collector | [101] | |
Impedance rise | Porosity decreasing and tortuosity increasing of positive and negative electrodes and separator | [94-95] |
Deformation of jelly roll leads to delamination between active layer and current collector | [101] |
表2 与扩散应力有关的电池单体的失效现象及机理
Table 2 Failure phenomenon of cell and their corresponding mechanism
Failure phenomenon | Corresponding mechanism | Ref. |
Capacity decay/lifetime reduction | Side reaction of active particles and electrolyte results in regeneration of SEI film | [99] |
Excessive stress causes fracture of electrode | [100] | |
Uneven distribution of pressure inside cell brings about lithium precipitation on electrode | [100, 103] | |
Deformation of jelly roll leads to delamination between active layer and current collector | [101] | |
Impedance rise | Porosity decreasing and tortuosity increasing of positive and negative electrodes and separator | [94-95] |
Deformation of jelly roll leads to delamination between active layer and current collector | [101] |
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