无机材料学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 9-16.DOI: 10.15541/jim20140175 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20140175
陈爱兵, 于奕峰, 臧文伟, 齐国禄, 于运红, 李月彤
陈爱兵(1978–), 男, 博士, 副教授. E-mail:chen_ab@163.com
CHEN Ai-Bing, YU Yi-Feng, ZANG Wen-Wei, QI Guo-Lu, YU Yun-Hong, LI Yue-Tong
About author:
CHEN Ai-Bing. E-mail:chen_ab@163.com
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CO2作为温室气体, 其捕集和存储有着重要的现实意义。多孔碳材料掺杂N原子后可以极大地改变材料的表面化学性质, 增强表面碱性, 在CO2吸附领域具有广泛的应用。基于N掺杂最新研究进展, 本文系统地介绍了原位、后处理等掺N方法和不同孔道结构对CO2吸附分离或扩散传质的影响, 总结归纳了材料的物理结构参数、表面化学性质与CO2吸附分离性能的关系, 指出了各种制备方法存在的问题及解决的方法, 为高性能的CO2吸附剂的定向设计、制备以及工业化提供了理论参考。
陈爱兵, 于奕峰, 臧文伟, 齐国禄, 于运红, 李月彤. 掺氮多孔碳在二氧化碳吸附分离中的应用[J]. 无机材料学报, 2015, 30(1): 9-16.
CHEN Ai-Bing, YU Yi-Feng, ZANG Wen-Wei, QI Guo-Lu, YU Yun-Hong, LI Yue-Tong. Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbon for CO2 Adsorption[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2015, 30(1): 9-16.
图 1 N原子在碳材料中的可能存在形式示意图[9]
Fig. 1 Possible positions of N atom in the carbon materials [9].(1-Anmio-N; 2-Pyrrolic; 3-Nitrosyl-N; 4-Pyridone; 5-Quaternary)
图2 EISA法添加双腈胺制备碳材料的合成机理图(a)及CO2/N2选择性吸附图(b)[16]
Fig. 2 Formation process of N-doped mesoporous carbon using dicyandiamide as an additive (a); CO2 and N2 adsorption isotherms (b)[16]
图 3 高压下[BMIm][C(CN)3]/[EMIm][B(CN)4]=1:2碳混合样品的CO2、N2吸附-脱附等温曲线[17]
Fig. 3 CO2 and N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms as a function of pressure of the carbons from [BMIm] [C(CN)3]/ [EMIm] [B(CN)4]=1:2[17]
图 4 CO2吸附量与氮掺杂和未氮掺杂的碳材料比表面积关系(1.013×105 Pa, 298 K), 氮含量在6wt%~7wt%[26]
Fig. 4 Relationships between the CO2 adsorption capacities (at 298 K and 1 .013×105 Pa) and the BET surface area of nitrogen- doped and undoped carbons. The N-doped carbons contain 6wt%-7wt% N[26]
图 5 介孔碳泡沫的合成示意图(a)和75℃下PEI浸渍介孔碳泡沫的CO2吸附动力学曲线(b)[35]
Fig. 5 Schematic illustration of the synthesis method of mesoporous carbon foams(a) and CO2 adsorption kinetics of the PEI-impregnated mesoporous carbon sorbent at 75℃(b)[35]
图 6 分级整块碳材料的SEM照片、N2吸附-脱附曲线和孔径分布图(a~d)和(e)光学照片[46]
Fig. 6 SEM images of hierarchical porous carbon and N2 adsorption-desorption and PSD (a-d) and optical images (e)[46]
Samples | Nitrogen source | Nitrogen content/wt% | Functionalities | Surface area /(m2·g-1) | CO2 capacity /(mmol·g-1) |
N-doped microporous carbon [ | Imine-linked polymer | 5.58-8.74 | Pyridinic, quaternary | 263-366 | 1.95 |
N-doped mesoporous carbon[ | Melamine resin | -8.00 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | -750 | 1.80 |
KOH activated porous carbon[ | Polypyrrole | -10.14 | Pyridinic,quaternary | 1700 | 3.10 |
Organic amine grafting carbon[ | Glucose | NA | Amide, tertiary amines, primary amines | <10 | 4.10 |
Macro-micro hollow carbon spheres [ | Melamine | 14.80 | NA | 767 | 2.67 |
Sustainable biomass [ | Glgae | 1.1-4.7 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | 1300-2400 | 7.40 |
Template carbon [ | HNO3 | 6.73 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | 1979 | 4.30 |
N-doped activated carbon monoliths [ | Polyacrylonitrile | 1.80 | NA | 2501 | 5.14 |
表 1 不同掺氮碳材料对CO2的吸附能力比较
Table 1 Different nitrogen doped carbon materials for CO2 adsorption capacity
Samples | Nitrogen source | Nitrogen content/wt% | Functionalities | Surface area /(m2·g-1) | CO2 capacity /(mmol·g-1) |
N-doped microporous carbon [ | Imine-linked polymer | 5.58-8.74 | Pyridinic, quaternary | 263-366 | 1.95 |
N-doped mesoporous carbon[ | Melamine resin | -8.00 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | -750 | 1.80 |
KOH activated porous carbon[ | Polypyrrole | -10.14 | Pyridinic,quaternary | 1700 | 3.10 |
Organic amine grafting carbon[ | Glucose | NA | Amide, tertiary amines, primary amines | <10 | 4.10 |
Macro-micro hollow carbon spheres [ | Melamine | 14.80 | NA | 767 | 2.67 |
Sustainable biomass [ | Glgae | 1.1-4.7 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | 1300-2400 | 7.40 |
Template carbon [ | HNO3 | 6.73 | Pyridinic, pyrrolic, quaternary | 1979 | 4.30 |
N-doped activated carbon monoliths [ | Polyacrylonitrile | 1.80 | NA | 2501 | 5.14 |
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