无机材料学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (12): 1349-1356.DOI: 10.15541/jim20190080 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20190080

所属专题: 陶瓷基复合材料

• 研究快报 • 上一篇    



  1. 1. 中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室, 上海 200050
    2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
    3. 中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所 结构陶瓷与复合材料工程研究中心, 上海 200050
    4. 上海科技大学, 上海 201210
    5. 中国科学院大学 材料与光电研究中心, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2019-02-25 修回日期:2019-03-24 出版日期:2019-12-20 网络出版日期:2019-05-22
  • 作者简介:WU Qing-Qing (1994-), female, master. E-mail: wuqq_sic_2017@163.con

C/SiOC Composites by a Modified PIP Using Solid Polysiloxane: Fabrication, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

WU Qing-Qing1,2,WANG Zhen1,3(),DING Qi1,2,4,NI De-Wei1,3,KAN Yan-Mei1,3,DONG Shao-Ming1,5()   

  1. 1. The State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructures, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    3. Structural Ceramics and Composites Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
    4. ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai 201210, China
    5. Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2019-02-25 Revised:2019-03-24 Published:2019-12-20 Online:2019-05-22
  • Supported by:
    Foundation item: National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFB0704103);Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(2015202)


以熔融的MK树脂(聚甲基倍半硅氧烷)为前驱体, 采用改进的前驱体浸渍裂解法(PIP)制备了致密的C/SiOC复合材料。为了降低MK树脂的固化温度, 选择有机磺酸作为交联剂, 并采用红外光谱分析仪(FT-IR)和热重分析-差热分析仪(TG-DTA)研究了MK树脂的固化机理和陶瓷化行为。研究表明: MK树脂的陶瓷产率高达85wt%, 其裂解得到的SiOC陶瓷自由碳含量低于3wt%, 有利于提高陶瓷的高温稳定性。经过8次PIP制备的C/SiOC复合材料的密度可达1.82 g/cm 3。对得到的C/SiOC复合材料进行三点弯曲测试, 其弯曲强度为(312±25) MPa, 表现出明显的非脆性断裂行为。

关键词: C/SiOC复合材料, 高效PIP, 微观结构, 交联机理


A modified polymer infiltration and pyrolysis method (PIP) was developed to enhance the densification of C/SiOC composites, using molten MK resin (polymethylsilsesquioxane) as precursor. Organic sulfonic acid was added as cross-linking agent to lower the curing temperature. The cross-linking mechanism and ceramization behavior of MK resin was studied. A high ceramic yield of about 85wt% and low free carbon content below 3wt% are achieved, with excellent high-temperature stability of the derived SiOC. The modified PIP approach presents a high densification efficiency. After only 8 PIP cycles, the final C/SiOC composites possess a density of about 1.81 g/cm 3. Compared with those composites fabricated by conventional PIP process, the C/SiOC composites prepared by modified PIP process show a much denser microstructure with much more improved densification efficiency. Bending strength of the as-fabricated C/SiOC composites is of (312±25) MPa, showing obvious non-brittle fracture behavior.

Key words: C/SiOC composite, high-efficient PIP, microstructure, cross-linking mechanism
