无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 1483-1484.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230374 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20230374

所属专题: 【信息功能】透明陶瓷与闪烁晶体(202409)

• 科技进展 • 上一篇    


汪德文1,2(), 王俊平1,2, 袁厚呈3,4(), 刘章3,4, 周进3,4, 邓佳杰1,2, 王鑫1,2, 吴贲华3,4, 章健1,2(), 王士维1,2   

  1. 1.中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室, 上海 201899
    2.中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 透明陶瓷研究中心, 上海 201899
    3.江苏铁锚科技股份有限公司, 海安 226602
    4.江苏省高性能透明防护新材料重点实验室, 海安 226602
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-16 修回日期:2023-09-14 出版日期:2023-10-07 网络出版日期:2023-10-07
  • 通讯作者: 章 健, 研究员. E-mail: jianzhang@mail.sic.ac.cn;
    袁厚呈, 工程师. E-mail: yuanhoucheng@tiemao.cn
  • 作者简介:汪德文(1990-), 男, 工程师. E-mail: wangdewen@mail.sic.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Metre-scale Y3Al5O12 (YAG) Transparent Ceramics by Vacuum Reactive Sintering

WANG Dewen1,2(), WANG Junping1,2, YUAN Houcheng3,4(), LIU Zhang3,4, ZHOU Jin3,4, DENG Jiajie1,2, WANG Xin1,2, WU Benhua3,4, ZHANG Jian1,2(), WANG Shiwei1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201899, China
    2. Transparent Ceramics Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201899, China
    3. Jiangsu Tie Mao Technology Co., Ltd, Haian 226602, China
    4. Jiangsu Key Lab of High Performance Transparent Protective New Materials, Haian 226602, China
  • Received:2023-08-16 Revised:2023-09-14 Published:2023-10-07 Online:2023-10-07
  • Contact: ZHANG Jian, professor. E-mail: jianzhang@mail.sic.ac.cn;
    YUAN Houcheng, engineer. E-mail: yuanhoucheng@tiemao.cn
  • About author:WANG Dewen (1990-), male, engineer. E-mail: wangdewen@mail.sic.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(52130207);Unveiling and Hanging Project of Nantong(JB2022001)


透明陶瓷兼具高强度、高硬度和优异的光学性能, 在轻量化透明装甲领域具有重要的应用前景。制备大尺寸和高光学质量透明陶瓷部件是实现其应用的主要挑战。本工作采用国产商业Al2O3和Y2O3为起始原料, 通过真空反应烧结工艺制备钇铝石榴石(Y3Al5O12, 简称YAG)透明陶瓷, 突破了大尺寸素坯干压成型与脱黏、真空烧结及光学性能提升等关键技术, 成功研制了低变形量、高光学质量的YAG透明陶瓷, 并通过成型和烧结设备的升级改造, YAG透明陶瓷的最大可制备尺寸达到1040 mm×810 mm×15 mm, 为后期应用奠定了坚实基础。

关键词: YAG, 大尺寸, 反应烧结法, 透明陶瓷


Transparent ceramic materials have excellent strength, hardness and optical properties, which have important application prospect in light-weight transparent protective armor. However, the preparation of transparent ceramic components with large protection area and high transmittance properties is the main challenge to achieve application. In this work, large-size yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, abbreviated as YAG) transparent ceramics with low deformation and excellent optical quality were fabricated by reactive sintering in vacuum using domestic high-purity Al2O3 and Y2O3 powders as starting materials, and the key technologies including dry pressing, calcining, high-temperature vacuum sintering and optical performance were broken through. In addition, as the upgrading of molding and sintering equipment, the dimension of YAG transparent ceramic was enlarged to 1040 mm×810 mm×15 mm, laying a substantial foundation for future applications.

Key words: YAG, large size, reaction sintering, transparent ceramic
