无机材料学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 378-386.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220699
• 专栏:神经形态材料与器件(特邀编辑:万青) • 上一篇 下一篇
葛琛, 研究员. E-mail: gechen@iphy.ac.cn作者简介:
杜剑宇(1989-), 男, 博士, 讲师. E-mail: dujianyu@email.tjut.edu.cn
GE Chen, professor. E-mail: gechen@iphy.ac.cnAbout author:
DU Jianyu (1989-), male, PhD, lecturer. E-mail: dujianyu@email.tjut.edu.cn
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传统的人工视觉系统基于冯•诺依曼架构, 其视觉采集单元、处理单元和存储单元分离, 因而冗余数据在各个单元之间传递会造成高延迟和能耗。为了解决这一问题, 新一代神经形态视觉系统应用而生, 其具有感知、存储、计算一体化的架构, 既可以减少数据传递, 又可以提高数据处理效率。作为神经形态视觉系统的硬件实现基础, 光电人工突触器件近年来得到广泛研究。光电人工突触器件将光敏元件与突触器件的功能相结合, 为实现低延迟、高能效和高可靠性的神经形态视觉系统提供了新的可能。虽然光电人工突触材料千差万别, 但其工作机理主要包括氧空位的电离和解离、光生载流子的捕获和释放、光致相变以及光与铁电复杂相互作用等。本文从工作机理的角度, 介绍了光电人工突触器件的最新研究进展, 并分析了不同工作机理的优点及其面临的挑战。最后, 概述了未来光电人工突触的应用前景和发展方向。
杜剑宇, 葛琛. 光电人工突触研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报, 2023, 38(4): 378-386.
DU Jianyu, GE Chen. Recent Progress in Optoelectronic Artificial Synapse Devices[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(4): 378-386.
图1 关于氧空位电离和解离机理的研究工作
Fig. 1 Research based on the operation mechanism of ionization and dissociation of oxygen vacancy (a) Device structure, optical microscope image of an IGZO-based photonic neuromorphic device; (b) Current decaying characteristics of IGZO, ISO, ISZO, and IZO films (from top to bottom) after pulsed UV exposure; (c) Relationship between the activation energy and the relaxation time constant for various amorphous oxide semiconductors; (d) Typical photoinduced current generation and decaying characteristics of IGZO semiconductor upon UV-light exposure[21]; (e) Artificial neuromorphic system for eyesight simulation based on SnOx/IGZO; (f) Current variation and decay of IGZO, SnOx/IGZO devices after 450 nm-light pulse stimulus; (g) Schematic process of the selective memory for the moth and dragonfly image with the time (left panel), and the selective amnesia and memory processes achieved by utilizing 9 positive and negative VGS pulses[20]
图2 基于光生载流子的捕获和释放机理的研究工作
Fig. 2 Research based on operation mechanism of trapping/detrapping of photogenerated carriers (a) Schematic of emulating a biological synapse by using a synaptic transistor based on the hybrid structure of Si NM and MAPbI3; (b) EPSC of a synaptic transistor triggered by an optical spike; (c) Dependence of the PPF index (defined as A2/A1) on Δt; (d) Dependence of the maximum EPSC triggered by 30 optical spikes on the backgate voltage; (e) EPSC triggered by 30 optical spikes at various backgate voltages[22]; (f) Schematic illustration of the CsPbBr3 quantum dots-based synapse devices; (g) Schematic energy diagram of the device during light programming operation and during electrical erasing operation under dark condition; (h) Transient characteristic of the synaptic device after light programming operation with fixed light intensity and wavelength varied from 365 to 660 nm; (i) Long-term potentiation (bottom panel) and long-term depressing (top panel) of the CsPbBr3 quantum dots-based synapse devices under different light illumination[25]
图3 基于光致相变机理的研究工作
Fig. 3 Research based on the operation mechanism of the light-induced phase change (a) Schematic of the all-optical memory device based on GST; (b) Optical transmission data of the waveguide are encoded by switching between crystalline and amorphous phases GST; (c) Multiple repetitions of the same switching cycle[26]; (d) Schematic illustration of the neuromorphic devices based on VO2 film; (e) ID response to UV irradiation at different durations; (f) Relationship between ΔID and incident UV dose; (g) Realization of neuromorphic preprocessing function to achieve image noise reduction utilizing the sensor array, with the system being spatially divided into a convolution kernel array part for visual information preprocessing and an ANN part for image recognition; (h) Recognition accuracy with and without neuromorphic preprocessing[27]; Colorful figures are available on website
图4 基于光与铁电材料相互作用的研究工作
Fig. 4 Research based on the interaction between light and ferroelectric materials (a) PFM phase-maps (30 μm×30 μm) of BaTiO3 film, with PDOWN and PUP regions being written by applying voltage to the tip of −8 or +8 V, respectively, but after illumination (blue laser, 10 min) PUP domains being switched back; (b) Low-resistance state (LRS) to high-resistance state (HRS) switching promoted by optically induced polarization reversal[44]; (c) Sketch of the experiment geometry; (d) PFM phase images acquired in the dark before and after UV illumination, showing the MoS2 flake boundary by the dashed lines[43]; (e) Schematic configuration of the device and the mechanism behind the optically and electrically tunable channel conductance; (f) Long-term optical potentiation and electrical depression in the WS2/ PZT optoelectronic synapses[45]
图5 基于光与铁电材料相互作用的研究工作[50]
Fig. 5 Research based on the interaction between light and ferroelectric materials[50] (a) Schematic illustration of optoelectronic synapses based on MoS2/ BaTiO3; (b) Non-volatile multi-level conductance switching under optical excitation and electrical excitation; (c) Summary of the On/Off ratio and retention time for various optoelectronic synapses reported previously; (d) PFM phase diagrams of the MoS2/ BaTiO3 heterostructure as a function of the light exposure time; (e) Preprocess of the image noise reduction utilizing the sensor array; (f) Comparisons of the recognition accuracy of the pre-prepared images
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