Journal of Inorganic Materials

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nfluence of Treatment Time on Structure and Property of Ceramic Coatings Formed on LY12 Aluminum Alloy by Micro-arc Oxidation

WU Zhen-Dong1,2, JIANG Zhao-Hua1, YAO Zhong-Ping1, ZHANG Xue-Lin1   

  1. 1. Department of Applied Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; 2. Normal Institute of Baicheng, Baicheng 137000, China
  • Received:2006-05-29 Revised:2006-08-16 Published:2007-05-20 Online:2007-05-20

Abstract: In K2ZrF6 solution, the ceramic coatings composed of a large amount of t-ZrO2, m-ZrO2 and a little γ-Al2O3 and KZr2(PO4)3 were prepared on LY12 aluminum by a micro-arc oxidation technique. With the increase of micro-arc oxidatin (MAO) time, the content of crystalline substances is increased, the coating surface roughness is increased, and the compactness of the coating is improved. The thickness of the coating is increased approximately linearly, and the hardness and the corrosion resistance are both improved, while the heat shock resistance of the coatings turned worse. Meantime, the friction tests
show that the anti-abrasion of the coated samples is improved to a large extent, the friction coefficient of the substrate is about 2/3 that of the coated samples. With the increase of MAO time, friction weight loss of the coated samples is first increased, and then decreased, while the friction coefficient is decreased.

Key words: LY12 aluminum alloy, micro-arc oxidation, ceramic coating, zirconia

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