无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (12): 1365-1370.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220162 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20220162

所属专题: 【信息功能】纪念殷之文先生诞辰105周年虚拟学术专辑

• 研究快报 • 上一篇    


刘鼎伟1,2(), 曾江涛1, 郑嘹赢1, 满振勇1, 阮学政1, 时雪1, 李国荣1()   

  1. 1.中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 无机功能材料与器件重点实验室, 上海 200050
    2.中国科学院大学 材料科学与光电子工程中心, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-22 修回日期:2022-07-06 出版日期:2022-12-20 网络出版日期:2022-08-26
  • 通讯作者: 李国荣, 研究员. E-mail: grli@mail.sic.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:刘鼎伟(1998-), 男, 硕士研究生. E-mail: liudingwei@student.sic.ac.cn

High Piezoelectric Property and Low Electric Field-strain Hysteresis of BiAlO3-doped PZT Ceramics

LIU Dingwei1,2(), ZENG Jiangtao1, ZHENG Liaoying1, MAN Zhenyong1, RUAN Xuezheng1, SHI Xue1, LI Guorong1()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Inorganic Functional Material and Device, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
    2. Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2022-03-22 Revised:2022-07-06 Published:2022-12-20 Online:2022-08-26
  • Contact: LI Guorong, professor. E-mail: grli@mail.sic.ac.cn
  • About author:LIU Dingwei (1998-), male, Master candidate. E-mail: liudingwei@student.sic.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(51831010);National Key R&D Program(2021YFA0716502);National Key R&D Program(2021YFB3800604)


铅基压电陶瓷因其优异的压电性能, 被广泛应用于压电器件。其中, 压电驱动器要求压电陶瓷具有较高压电性能并且在电场下具有较高的电致应变和较小的应变滞后。本研究通过施主-受主共掺, 得到高压电性能和低电场应变滞后的PZT陶瓷。采用传统固相反应法制备了(1-x)(Pb0.95Sr0.05)(Zr53Ti47)O3-xBiAlO3+0.2%MnO2陶瓷(掺杂量为质量百分数), 并对其微观结构和压电性能进行了研究。结果表明:BiAlO3掺杂量较少时, 陶瓷中缺陷偶极子的“钉扎”效应使得陶瓷畴壁转动困难, 陶瓷压电性能较弱, 应变滞后也较小。随BiAlO3掺杂量增加, 缺陷偶极子“钉扎”效应减弱, 陶瓷的压电性能和应变滞后随之提高。本实验得到的性能最优组分为x=1.75%, 该组份陶瓷的压电系数d33=504 pC/N, 机电耦合系数kp=0.71, 机械品质因数Qm=281, 居里温度TC=312 ℃, 在10 kV/cm电场下的应变滞后仅为15%, 并且还具有较好的温度稳定性, 是一种具有应用价值的压电驱动器用压电陶瓷材料。

关键词: 压电性能, 低应变滞后, 温度稳定性, PZT, BiAlO3掺杂


Lead-based piezoelectric ceramics are widely used in piezoelectric devices due to their excellent piezoelectric properties. Piezoelectric actuators require piezoelectric ceramics with high piezoelectric properties and high precision displacement as well as small strain hysteresis under applied electric fields, which can be obtained by donor-acceptor co-doping. In this work, (1-x)(Pb0.95Sr0.05)(Zr53Ti47)O3-xBiAlO3 + 0.2%MnO2 ceramics were prepared by a traditional solid-state reaction method (doping amount in mass percentage). The microstructure and piezoelectric properties of the prepared ceramics were investigated. The results demonstrated that the defect dipole can hinder the domain rotation in a few additions of BiAlO3, resulting in a relatively low piezoelectric property and low strain hysteresis under electric fields. With more BiAlO3 addition, the piezoelectric properties and strain hysteresis of the ceramics are improved because the pinning effect to the domain rotation become weak. The optimal performance is obtained at x=1.75%, where the piezoelectric coefficient (d33), electromechanical coupling coefficient (kp), mechanical quality factor (Qm) and Curie temperature (TC) are 504 pC/N, 0.71, 281 and 312 ℃, respectively. This piezoelectric ceramic show a relative high strain and low strain hysteresis (only 15%) under the electric field of 10 kV/cm. Due to the high piezoelectric performance and low electric field strain hysteresis along with the good temperature stability, the (1-x)(Pb0.95Sr0.05)(Zr53Ti47)O3-xBiAlO3 + 0.2%MnO2 ceramics can be a kind of piezoelectric ceramic with practical application potentials for the piezoelectric actuators.

Key words: piezoelectric properties, low strain hysteresis, temperature stability, PZT, BiAlO3 doping
