无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 954-960.DOI: 10.15541/jim20210726 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20210726
所属专题: 【信息功能】电致变色与热致变色材料(202312)
陈赛赛(), 庞雅莉, 王娇娜, 龚䶮, 王锐, 栾筱婉, 李昕(
李 昕, 教授. E-mail: clylx@bift.edu.cn作者简介:
陈赛赛(1995-), 男, 硕士研究生. E-mail: chensaisai1995@163.com
CHEN Saisai(), PANG Yali, WANG Jiaona, GONG Yan, WANG Rui, LUAN Xiaowan, LI Xin(
LI Xin, professor. E-mail: clylx@bift.edu.cnAbout author:
CHEN Saisai (1995-), male, Master candidate. E-mail: chensaisai1995@163.com
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石墨烯因其优异的导电性、优越的柔韧性和环境稳定性, 在可穿戴电子纺织品领域发挥了重要作用。本工作通过丝网印刷技术分别将自制的石墨烯浆料和复合热致变色油墨印在聚酯织物的正反面, 构筑了一种石墨烯基绿-黄可逆电热致变色织物。采用SEM、XRD以及FTIR等分析了织物的结构性质和变色原理, 采用红外热成像仪及全色差色度仪研究了织物的热学以及变色性能。结果表明:石墨烯电热致变色织物厚度约为250 μm, 在12 V电压下逐渐加热超过45 ℃, 焦耳热主要通过热传导至变色层, 结晶紫内酯的闭开环实现绿-黄可逆变色, 其变色响应时间约为15 s, 褪色响应时间约为27 s。石墨烯电热致变色织物经历30°~180°的弯曲角度后, 电压-电流曲线保持稳定。经200次加热/冷却循环后, 性能未发生明显衰退。本研究成功制备了颜色在绿-黄之间变化、响应迅速、循环性能良好的可逆电热致变色织物:石墨烯膜‖聚酯织物‖热致变色膜, 在军事伪装和可穿戴显示领域有一定的应用前景。
陈赛赛, 庞雅莉, 王娇娜, 龚䶮, 王锐, 栾筱婉, 李昕. 绿-黄可逆电热致变色织物的制备及其性能[J]. 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(9): 954-960.
CHEN Saisai, PANG Yali, WANG Jiaona, GONG Yan, WANG Rui, LUAN Xiaowan, LI Xin. Preparation and Properties of Green-yellow Reversible Electro-thermochromic Fabric[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(9): 954-960.
图1 石墨烯电热致变色织物制备过程以及热致变色油墨的组成
Fig. 1 Illustration of the preparation process of graphene electro-thermalchromic fabric and the composition of thermochromic ink
图2 空白聚酯织物、石墨烯导电层、热致变色层的数码照片和SEM照片
Fig. 2 Photographs and SEM images of a blank polyester fabric, graphene conductive layer and thermochromic layer (a, e, i) Photographs of a blank polyester fabric, graphene conductive layer and thermochromic layer at room temperature; (b, c, d) SEM images of the surface and cross section of the base polyester fabric at different magnifications; (f, g, h) SEM images of the surface and cross section of the graphene conductive layer at different magnifications; (j, k, l) SEM images of the surface and cross section of the thermochromic layer at different magnifications
图4 石墨烯电热致变色织物的变色过程示意图(a)和传热方式示意图(b)
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the color change process (a) and schematic diagram of the heat transfer method (b) of graphene electro-thermochromic fabric
图5 结晶紫内酯(a), 双酚A(b), 荧光黄染料(c)和复合热致变色油墨加热前(d)后(e)的红外光谱图
Fig. 5 FT-IR spectra of CVL (a), BPA (b), fluorescent yellow dye (c) and hybrid thermochromic ink before (d) and after (e) heating
图6 热致变色油墨变色前后的示意图(a)及实物图(b)
Fig. 6 Schematic diagram (a) and physical image (b) of thermochromic ink before and after color change Colorful images are available on website
图7 在12V电压下, 石墨烯电热致变色织物在一个周期内颜色变化的数码照片
Fig. 7 Photographs of the the graphene electro-thermochromic fabric during a color-change cycle under an applied voltage of 12 V Colorful images are available on website
图8 在12V电压下, 石墨烯电热致变色织物在一个周期内的红外热成像图
Fig. 8 Thermal images of the graphene electro-thermochromic fabric during a cycle under an applied voltage of 12 V Colorful images are available on website
Potential/V | x | y | Y |
0 | 0.0334 | 0.7485 | 5.04 |
12 | 0.4407 | 0.5402 | 53.15 |
表1 石墨烯电热致变色织物的色度参数
Table 1 Chromaticity parameters of graphene electro-thermochromic fabric
Potential/V | x | y | Y |
0 | 0.0334 | 0.7485 | 5.04 |
12 | 0.4407 | 0.5402 | 53.15 |
图11 石墨烯电热致变色织物的稳定性分析
Fig. 11 Stability analysis of graphene electro-thermochromic fabric (a,b) Photographs of the graphene electro-thermochromic fabric bent at a certain degree; (c-h) Images of the graphene electro-thermochromic fabric bending at 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 150°, and 180° after voltage being applied; (i) Current-voltage curves of the graphene electro-thermochromic fabric bended at different bending angles. Colorful figures are available on website
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