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赵 跃1, 索红莉1, GRIVEL Jean-Claude2, 叶 帅1, 刘 敏1, 马 麟1, 周美玲1   

  1. (1. 北京工业大学 材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100124; 2. Riso National Laboratory,DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark)
  • 收稿日期:2009-03-30 修回日期:2009-06-17 出版日期:2009-11-20 网络出版日期:2010-04-22

Study on CexLa1-xO2 Buffer Layer used in Coated Conductors by Chemical Solution Method

ZHAO Yue1, SUO Hong-Li1, GRIVEL Jean-Claude2, YE Shuai1, LIU Min1, MA Lin1, ZHOU Mei-Ling1   

  1. (1. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. Ris National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark)
  • Received:2009-03-30 Revised:2009-06-17 Published:2009-11-20 Online:2010-04-22

摘要: 获得多功能单一过渡层是简化涂层导体多层结构的主要课题之一. 采用化学溶液方法制备La掺杂CeO2过渡层,研究La掺杂量对CeO2薄膜表面形貌和双轴取向生长的影响. 结果表明La掺杂量为10mol%的薄膜表面平整致密,且能保持锐利的双轴织构. 通过多次涂敷工艺,获得具有120nm厚的Ce0.9La0.1O2过渡层. 采用脉冲激光沉积方法在Ce0.9La0.1O2/NiW结构模板层上沉积了YBCO超导薄膜,其起始临界转变温度达到90.5K. 这表明采用化学溶液方法制备Ce0.9La0.1O2薄膜是一种有前景的简化涂层导体多层结构的方法.

关键词: 涂层导体, 化学溶液方法, 掺杂CeO2薄膜, 织构

Abstract: Developing multi-functional single buffer layer is one of the most important challenges for simplification of coated conductors configuration. Ladoped CeO2 films were prepared by chemical solution method. And surface morphology and texture quality of the La-doped CeO2 films were investigated in details. The results show that the as-obtained pore-free Ce0.9La0.1O2 film are epitaxially deposited on the textured NiW substrate. The 120nm thickness Ce0.9La0.1O2 film is obtained though multi-coating route. The YBCO film with Tco=90.5K, which is deposited on Ce0.9La0.1O2/NiW metallic template by PLD method. It suggects that Ce0.9La0.1O2 film prepared by chemical solution route have a promising prospect for the simplification of coated conductors configuration.

Key words: coated conductors, chemical solution method, doped CeO2 film, texture
