无机材料学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 1236-1244.DOI: 10.15541/jim20220240 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20220240
池哲人1(), 张辽2, 郭志前2(
), 李永生1,3, 牛德超1(
郭志前, 教授. E-mail: guozq@ecust.edu.cn;作者简介:
池哲人(1997-), 男, 硕士研究生. E-mail: chizheren@163.com
CHI Zheren1(), ZHANG Liao2, GUO Zhiqian2(
), LI Yongsheng1,3, NIU Dechao1(
GUO Zhiqian, professor. E-mail: guozq@ecust.edu.cn;About author:
CHI Zheren (1997-), male, Master candidate. E-mail: chizheren@163.com
Supported by:
近年来, 由于具有较好的近红外区吸收、结构可调等特点, 有机小分子光热剂在生物医药领域展示出广阔的应用前景。然而, 大部分有机小分子光热剂仍面临水溶性较差、生物稳定性不佳、光热转换效率较低等挑战。本研究发展了一种简便的合成方法, 制备了负载Flav7的氧化硅基杂化胶束(FPOMs)用于高效的光热治疗。首先利用嵌段共聚物PS132-b-PAA16自组装行为负载疏水近红外有机小分子Flav7得到胶束体系, 进一步引入3-巯基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(MPTMS)和聚乙二醇(PEG)对上述胶束体系进行结构固定和表面改性得到FPOMs。研究表明, 在808 nm波长激光的激发下, FPOMs展现出优异的光热稳定性和较高的光热转换效率(46.7%)。细胞实验证实FPOMs具有良好的生物相容性和光热毒性, 有望作为一类新型的纳米光热剂用于肿瘤高效安全光热治疗。
池哲人, 张辽, 郭志前, 李永生, 牛德超. 氧化硅基杂化胶束负载Flav7光热剂的合成与性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(11): 1236-1244.
CHI Zheren, ZHANG Liao, GUO Zhiqian, LI Yongsheng, NIU Dechao. Flav7-loaded Silica-based Hybrid Micelles: Synthesis and Photothermal Performance[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(11): 1236-1244.
图2 FPOMs的合成示意图
Fig. 2 Schematic illustration for the fabrication of FPOMs MPTMS: 3-Mercaptopropyl trimethoxsilicon; PEG: Polyethylene glycol; MAL-mPEG: Maleimide-methoxy (polyethylene glycol); PS-b-PAA: Polystyrene-block-polyacrylic acid; FPOMs: Flav7-PEGylated- organosilica-micelles The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图4 FPOMs的面扫描元素分析
Fig. 4 Element mapping scanning images of Flav7-PEGylated- urganosilica-micelles (FPOMs) (a) Image of HAADF; (b-d) Images of O (b), Si (c) and S (d) The color figures can be obtained from online edition
图5 FMs, FOMs和FPOMs的流体动力学粒径
Fig. 5 Hydrodynamic sizes of FMs, FOMs and FPOMs FMs: Flav7-micelles; FOMs: Flav7-organosilica-micelles; FPOMs: Flav7-PEGylated-organosilica-micelles The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图6 FMs, FOMs和FPOMs的Zeta电位
Fig. 6 Zeta potentials of FMs, FOMs and FPOMs FMs: Flav7-Micelles; FOMs: Flav7-organosilica-micelles; FPOMs: Flav7-PEGylated-organosilica-micelles The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图7 FMs, FOMs和FPOMs的傅里叶红外光谱图
Fig. 7 FT-IR spectra of FMs, FOMs and FPOMs FMs: Flav7-Micelles; FOMs: Flav7-organosilica-micelles; FPOMs: Flav7-PEGylated-organosilica-micelles
图8 Flav7(a)和FPOMs(b)在DMF或水中的吸收光谱
Fig. 8 Absorption spectra of Flav7 (a) and FPOMs (b) in DMF or in water FPOMs: Flav7-PEGylated-organosilica-micelles; DMF: N,N- dimethylformamide
图9 FMs(a)和FPOMs(b)在不同生理介质中的流体动力学粒径随时间的变化图
Fig. 9 Hydrodynamic sizes of FMs (a) and FPOMs (b) in H2O, PBS (pH 7.4), RPMI-1640 medium (10% serum) and DMEM medium (10% serum) for a week The color figures can be obtained from online edition
图10 FPOMs在808 nm激光持续照射0~60 min时的吸收光谱
Fig. 10. Absorption spectra of FPOMs under 808 nm laser irradiation for 0-60 min The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图12 FPOMs的光热性能
Fig. 12 Photothermal property of FPOMs (a) FPOMs (600 μg/mL) under different power densities of 808 nm laser irradiation; (b) FPOMs at different concentrations under 808 nm (1.0 W/cm2) laser irradiation The color figures can be obtained from online edition
图14 FPOMs的光热转换效率(1.0 W/cm2, 808 nm)
Fig. 14 Photothermal conversion efficiency of FPOMs (1.0 W/cm2, 808 nm) The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图15 FPOMs处理后的细胞经激光照射后的细胞存活率
Fig. 15 Relative cell viabilities of FPOMs treated cells after laser irradiation at 808 nm (1.0 W/cm2) for 5 min (a) SMMC-7721 cancer cells with or without laser irradiation (***p < 0.001); (b) MEF and 3T3 cells The color figures can be obtained from online edition
图16 流式细胞仪分析SMMC-7721细胞经不同处理并染色后的细胞凋亡
Fig. 16 Flow cytometry analysis of SMMC-7721 cells with different treatment and staining by Annexin-V/PI reagents (a) Control; (b) Laser irradiation only; (c) FPOMs only; (d) FPOMs and laser irradiation The color figure can be obtained from online edition
图17 SMMC-7721细胞与不同浓度FPOMs共孵育后的激光共聚焦显微镜照片
Fig. 17 Confocal laser scanning microscope images of SMMC-7721 cells with FPOMs (0, 150, and 300 μg/mL) treated by (a) or not by (b) laser irradiation (808 nm, 1.0 W/cm2, 5 min). The color figures can be obtained from online edition
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