Journal of Inorganic Materials

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Synthesis of BaSm 2 Ti 4 O 12 via Polymeric Precursor method

ZUO Ming-Wen, LI Wei, SHI Jian-Lin   

  1. Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
  • Received:2005-12-27 Revised:2006-03-07 Published:2006-11-20 Online:2006-11-20

Abstract: A polymeric precursor method by using citric acid as the chelating agent was invesigated and single-phase and well-crystallized BaSm2Ti4O12 powder was synthesized at 1000℃ for 3h. As a comparison, an oxalate co-precipitation method was applied to synthesize BaSm2Ti4O12 powder, but 1300℃ was needed to get the pure BaSm2Ti4O12. The different phase behavior and reaction sequences are here believed to answer for the different calcining temperatures needed via these two wet chemical methods. In the co-precipitation method, when heating the precipitate, intermediate phase Sm2Ti2O7 reacts with BaTi4O9 and BaTiO3 to produce BaSm2Ti4O12, which is
similar to the solid-state route. As to the polymeric precursor route, however, BaTi2O5 intermediate phase produces during the thermal decomposition process, which results in totally different reaction sequences from the solid-state reaction mechanism, and promotes the formation of BaSm2Ti4O12 phase.

Key words: BaSm2Ti4O12, microwave ceramics, chemical synthesis, reaction mechanism

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