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ZrO2对低温烧结 BaO-Al2O3-SiO2系微晶玻璃析晶和晶型转变的影响

芦玉峰, 堵永国, 肖加余, 张为军, 吴剑锋, 杨光, 王跃然   

  1. (国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院, 长沙 410073)
  • 收稿日期:2006-12-30 修回日期:2007-02-04 出版日期:2008-01-20 网络出版日期:2008-01-20

Effect of ZrO2 on Crystallization and Phase Transformation in Low-temperature Processed BaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass-ceramics

LU Yu-Feng, DU Yong-Guo, XIAO Jia-Yu, ZHANG Wei-Jun, WU Jian-Feng,YANG Guang, WANG Yue-Ran   

  1. (College of Aerospace and materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
  • Received:2006-12-30 Revised:2007-02-04 Published:2008-01-20 Online:2008-01-20

摘要: 用烧结法制备了化学计量比和高Ba含量的两组BaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (BAS)系微晶玻璃, 采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)和X射线衍射分析(XRD)等手段研究了ZrO2对BAS系微晶玻璃中六方钡长石析晶和六方钡长石向单斜钡长石晶型转变的影响. 研究表明, 两组BAS系玻璃的烧结温度低于850℃, 晶化温度低于900 ℃. 六方钡长石的析出为整体析晶. 不加形核剂晶型转变为整体析晶; 添加ZrO2晶型转变为表面析晶. 提高Ba含量或添加ZrO2促进六方钡长石的析出和晶粒细化. 化学计量比的BAS系微晶玻璃中添加ZrO2明显促进晶型转变. 高Ba含量的BAS系微晶玻璃中添加ZrO2表现为抑制晶型转变, 850℃保温100h不发生转变.

关键词: 微晶玻璃, 钡长石, 低温烧结, 析晶, 晶型转变

Abstract: BaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (BAS) glass-ceramics with stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric celsian composition were fabricated, doped with B2O3 for melting and sintering. Crystallization and phase transformation characters of two groups of BAS glass-ceramics with and without ZrO2 were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and dilatometry. Results show that for both BAS glasses, the sintering temperature is lower than 850℃ and crystallization peak temperature is lower than 900℃. The crystallization characteristic of hexacelsian in each sample is bulk nucleation and three-dimensional growth because Avrami exponent is 2.8--3.9. The crystallization characteristic of monocelsian in the sample doped with ZrO2 is surface nucleation and one-dimensional growth because Avrami exponent is 0.95, while it is bulk nucleation and three-dimensional growth because Avrami exponent is about 3.0 in the sample without nucleation agent. It reveals that crystallization peak temperature and activation energy get lower in stoichiometric BAS glass-ceramics doped with ZrO2, while the crystallization peak temperature get higher in off-stoichiometric BAS glass-ceramics doped with ZrO2. Stoichiometric BAS glass-ceramics doped with ZrO2 crystallized at 850℃ for 12h is completely transformed into monocelsian. Monocelsian will not be detected in off-stoichiometric BAS doped with ZrO2 crystallized at 850℃ for 100h.

Key words: glass-ceramics, celsian, low temperature sintering, crystallization, phase transformation
