无机材料学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 835-844.DOI: 10.15541/jim20230542 CSTR: 32189.14.10.15541/jim20230542
所属专题: 【能源环境】氢能材料(202409)
李家琪1(), 李小松1, 李煊赫1, 朱晓兵1,2(
), 朱爱民1
朱晓兵, 副教授. E-mail: xzhu@dlut.edu.cn作者简介:
李家琪(1999-), 女, 硕士研究生. E-mail: lijiaqi621@mail.dlut.edu.cn
LI Jiaqi1(), LI Xiaosong1, LI Xuanhe1, ZHU Xiaobing1,2(
), ZHU Aimin1
ZHU Xiaobing, associate professor. E-mail: xzhu@dlut.edu.cnAbout author:
LI Jiaqi (1999-), female, Master candidate. E-mail: lijiaqi621@mail.dlut.edu.cn
Supported by:
可再生能源发电与质子交换膜水电解结合产生“绿色氢”对能源安全具有战略意义, 其速控步骤是析氧反应。从稳定性、活性和成本角度考虑, 本研究采用滑动弧暖等离子体一步合成了氧化锰(MnOx)及过渡金属掺杂(Fe-MnOx, Co-MnOx, Ni-MnOx)的析氧电催化剂, 并对其晶体结构、形貌尺寸、元素组成和表面价态进行了表征。氧化锰主要由晶相Mn2O3和无定形Mn3O4组成。与之相比, 掺杂的氧化锰尽管晶相组成基本不变, 但其粒径明显变小、比表面积增大; 掺杂Co促使氧化锰的表面电子增多。氧化锰基催化剂在酸性电解液的循环伏安测试中表现出独特的电流阶跃现象(低电势Ⅰ-Ⅱ区: 1.4~1.8~2.4 V; 高电势Ⅲ区: 2.4~2.7 V)。该电流阶跃过程与Bulter-Volmer简化方程的电极动力学参照曲线相吻合, 属于多价态锰参与的电催化反应。低电势区Fe-MnOx的电化学活性最优, 而高电势区Co-MnOx表现最优。Co-MnOx的起始电位比MnOx低160 mV, 且在恒电位电解中其末端电流密度是MnOx的3倍。与其活性趋势一致, Fe-MnOx、Co-MnOx分别在低电势区、高电势区更具稳定性。本研究通过掺杂过渡金属优化氧化锰的颗粒尺寸、比表面积和电子结构, 显著提高了催化剂析氧反应活性及稳定性。
李家琪, 李小松, 李煊赫, 朱晓兵, 朱爱民. 暖等离子体合成过渡金属掺杂氧化锰析氧电催化剂[J]. 无机材料学报, 2024, 39(7): 835-844.
LI Jiaqi, LI Xiaosong, LI Xuanhe, ZHU Xiaobing, ZHU Aimin. Transition Metal-doped Manganese Oxide: Synthesis by Warm Plasma and Electrocatalytic Performance for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(7): 835-844.
Catalyst | Doping element content/% (in atomic) | SBET/ (m2∙g-1) | DXRD / nm | DTEM / nm |
MnOx | - | 35.7 | 32.7 | 37.9 |
Ni-MnOx | 1.23 | 57.5 | 27.4 | 37.5 |
Co-MnOx | 1.41 | 51.1 | 26.9 | 20.1 |
Fe-MnOx | 1.22 | 54.8 | 28.1 | 19.1 |
表1 采用ICP-OES, BET, XRD, TEM表征MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的物理化学参数
Table 1 Physicochemical parameters of MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts by ICP-OES, BET, XRD, and TEM
Catalyst | Doping element content/% (in atomic) | SBET/ (m2∙g-1) | DXRD / nm | DTEM / nm |
MnOx | - | 35.7 | 32.7 | 37.9 |
Ni-MnOx | 1.23 | 57.5 | 27.4 | 37.5 |
Co-MnOx | 1.41 | 51.1 | 26.9 | 20.1 |
Fe-MnOx | 1.22 | 54.8 | 28.1 | 19.1 |
图1 MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的XRD谱图
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts Colorful figure is available on website
图2 (a, e)MnOx, (b, f)Ni-MnOx, (c, g)Co-MnOx和(d, h)Fe-MnOx催化剂的(a~d)TEM和(e~h)HRTEM照片((a~d)中的插图为相应的颗粒粒径分布直方图)
Fig. 2 (a-d) TEM and (e-h) HRTEM images of (a, e) MnOx, (b, f) Ni-MnOx, (c, g) Co-MnOx, and (d, h) Fe-MnOx catalysts with insets in (a-d) showing corresponding histograms of particle size distributions
图S3 Ni-MnOx催化剂的(a)Ni2p, Co-MnOx催化剂的(b)Co2p和Fe-MnOx催化剂的(c)Fe2p XPS谱图
Fig. S3 XPS spectra of (a) Ni2p for Ni-MnOx, (b) Co2p for Co-MnOx and (c) Fe2p for Fe-MnOx catalysts
图4 MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的循环伏安曲线
Fig. 4 Cyclic voltammetric curves of MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts Colorful figure is available on website
图5 滑动弧暖等离子体合成MnOx催化剂在截止电压为(a)1.5, (b)1.7, (c)1.9, (d)2.3, (e)2.6 V的CV曲线, (f)CV的测试和拟合曲线
Fig. 5 Cyclic voltammetric curves of MnOx catalysts synthesized by gliding arc warm plasma at ending potentials of (a) 1.5, (b) 1.7, (c) 1.9, (d) 2.3, and (e) 2.6 V, and (f) the comparison between the measured CV curve and the fitting curve educed by Bulter-Volmer equation (simple version) Colorful figures are available on website
图S4 滑动弧暖等离子体合成MnOx催化剂在不同截止电压(a)1.3, (b)1.4, (c)1.6, (d)1.8, (e)2.0, (f)2.1, (g)2.2, (h)2.4和(i)2.5 V的循环伏安图
Fig. S4 Cyclic voltammetry of MnOx catalyst synthesized by gliding arc warm plasma at ending potentials of (a) 1.3, (b) 1.4, (c) 1.6, (d) 1.8, (e) 2.0, (f) 2.1, (g) 2.2, (h) 2.4, and (i) 2.5V
图6 MnOx、Ni-MnOx、Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的(a)lgj-E曲线和(b)类Tafel斜率图
Fig. 6 (a) lgj-E curves and (b) Tafel-type plots of MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts The data is derivative from Fig. 4; Colorful figures are available on website
Catalyst | Potential/V | Slope/ (mV∙dec-1) | Starting Tafel (E, i)/(V, mA) |
MnOx | 1.27-1.75I | 153 | (1.33, 0.02) |
1.75-2.42II | 359 | (1.82, 0.64) | |
2.42-2.65III | 893 | (2.55, 1.86) | |
Ni-MnOx | 1.27-1.74I | 186 | (1.33, 0.51) |
1.74-2.42II | 356 | (1.82, 0.71) | |
2.42-2.65III | 879 | (2.52, 1.98) | |
Co-MnOx | 1.27-1.74I | 131 | (1.31, 0.18) |
1.74-2.26II | 423 | (1.82, 0.80) | |
2.26-2.65III | 806 | (2.44, 2.41) | |
Fe-MnOx | 1.25-1.74I | 144 | (1.30, 0.04) |
1.74-2.36II | 363 | (1.82, 1.03) | |
2.36-2.65III | 874 | (2.50, 2.52) |
表S1 MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的电化学性能(源自图6)
Table S1 Electrochemical performances for MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts from Fig. 6
Catalyst | Potential/V | Slope/ (mV∙dec-1) | Starting Tafel (E, i)/(V, mA) |
MnOx | 1.27-1.75I | 153 | (1.33, 0.02) |
1.75-2.42II | 359 | (1.82, 0.64) | |
2.42-2.65III | 893 | (2.55, 1.86) | |
Ni-MnOx | 1.27-1.74I | 186 | (1.33, 0.51) |
1.74-2.42II | 356 | (1.82, 0.71) | |
2.42-2.65III | 879 | (2.52, 1.98) | |
Co-MnOx | 1.27-1.74I | 131 | (1.31, 0.18) |
1.74-2.26II | 423 | (1.82, 0.80) | |
2.26-2.65III | 806 | (2.44, 2.41) | |
Fe-MnOx | 1.25-1.74I | 144 | (1.30, 0.04) |
1.74-2.36II | 363 | (1.82, 1.03) | |
2.36-2.65III | 874 | (2.50, 2.52) |
图S5 三维多孔电极中Co-MnOx催化剂与文献[S1-S5]报道的二维薄膜电极中氧化锰基催化剂在酸性条件下的析氧反应起始电位比较
Fig. S5 Comparison of onset potentials on Co-MnOx catalyst in this work with manganese oxides based electrocatalysts in literatures[S1-S5]
图7 MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂的电化学阻抗谱图(插图为所测全部频率谱图)
Fig. 7 Electrochemical impedance spectra of MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts with insert showing full-range frequency measurement
图8 MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx和Fe-MnOx催化剂在(a, d)1.5, (b, e) 1.9和(c, f) 2.5 V电压下的(a~c)电流密度-时间(j-t)的稳定性实验, 以及(d~f)电流衰减率与上述稳定性实验的末端电流密度的关系
Fig. 8 (a-c) Current density-time (j-t) dependence of stability tests, and (d-f) relationship between current decay rate and ending current density on MnOx, Ni-MnOx, Co-MnOx, and Fe-MnOx catalysts at (a, d) 1.5, (b, e) 1.9 and (c, f) 2.5 V Colorful figures are available on website
图9 电流阶跃特征的双电层解释示意图
Fig. 9 Schematic double layer (of Helmholtz plane) for the featured current step Bottom left: A potentiostat that linearly loads voltage to double layer (at left side); Right: A double layer that consists of two sides of solid (MnOx catalyst) and solution
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