Research Paper

PZT Ferroelectric Thin Film for Uncooled Pyroelectric Infrared Detectors

  • WANG Zhong-Hua ,
  • LI Zhen-Hao ,
  • PU Chao-Guang ,
  • YANG Pei-Zhi ,
  • LIN You-Shen
  • Kunming Institute of Physics, Kunming 650223, China

Received date: 2005-09-14

  Revised date: 2005-11-15

  Online published: 2006-09-20


Lead zirconate titanate(PZT) ferroelectric thin films were prepared by both sol-gel and r.f. magnetron sputtering technologies. In order to decrease the crystallization temperature of thin films and improve the probabilities of nucleus, a PZT seed-layer was prepared by using the sol-gel method. The PZT ferroelectric thin films with about 500nm thickness were sputter-deposited from a Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3(x=0.3) ceramic target containing 10% excess Pb on PZT(seed layer)/Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The stepping-annealing with RTP (rapid theal process) was proposed for theal treatment of the PZT ferroelectric thin films. The PZT ferroelectric thin film showed good dielectric and pyroelectric properties
by pre-annealing at 450℃ for 5min and following post-annealing at 575℃ for 5min. The results of pyroelectric coefficient 2.3×10-8C·cm-2·K-1, relative dielectric constant 500, dielectric loss 0.02, detectivity figure of merit 0.94×10-5Pa-0.5 were obtained.

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WANG Zhong-Hua , LI Zhen-Hao , PU Chao-Guang , YANG Pei-Zhi , LIN You-Shen . PZT Ferroelectric Thin Film for Uncooled Pyroelectric Infrared Detectors[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006 , 21(5) : 1223 -1229 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01223


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