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真空紫外激发下Pr 3+掺杂的几种硼酸盐体系的低温光谱特性

符义兵1, 张国斌1, 吴文清1, 戚泽明1, 石军岩1, 施朝淑1,2   

  1. 1. 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室, 合肥 230029; 2. 中国科学技术大学物理系, 合肥 230026
  • 收稿日期:2006-04-20 修回日期:2006-06-05 出版日期:2007-03-20 网络出版日期:2007-03-20

Low Temperature Spectral Properties of Several Pr3+ Doped Borates under VUV Excitation

FU Yi-Bing1, ZHANG Guo-Bin1, WU Wen-Qing1, QI Ze-Ming1, SHI Jun-Yan1, SHI Chao-Shu1,2   

  1. 1. National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China; 2. Department of physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
  • Received:2006-04-20 Revised:2006-06-05 Published:2007-03-20 Online:2007-03-20

摘要: 研究了SrB4:Pr 3+, LaB3O6:Pr 3+ 及LaMgB5O10:Pr 3+低温下的光谱. 从发射谱上看这三种发光材料都可以产生光子级联发射, 对照Pr 3+离子的能级图对各发射峰进行了指认. 因为硼酸盐体系中较高的声子振动能量导致了3 P01D2能级间的无辐射弛豫, 所以级联发射的第二步过程3 p 03HJ发光非常微弱或基本没有. 在LaB3O6 及LaMgB6O10 的激发谱上除了4f5d吸收带外还观测到了Pr3+离子的3H41S0跃迁, 由此在这两种材料中确定了Pr 3+离子的1S0能级相对于最低的4f5d能级的位置.

关键词: 三价镨离子, 光子级联发射, 真空紫外激发, 低温光谱

Abstract: Low temperature spectra of SrB4O7:Pr3+, LaB3O6:Pr3+ and LaMgB5O10:Pr3+
were investigated by synchrotron radiation VUV light. Under VUV excitation,
photon cascade emission was found in SrB4O7:Pr3+, LaB3O6:Pr3+ and LaMgB5O10:Pr3+. All peaks in emission spectra were assigned. Because high phonon energy in borates results in non-radiative relaxation between 3P0 and 1D2 states of Pr3+, the second step emission 3P0→3HJ is very low in SrB4O7:Pr3+ and even is absent in LaB3O6:Pr3+ and LaMgB5O10:Pr3+. In the excitation spectra of LaB3O6:Pr3+ and LaMgB5O10:Pr3+, along with the 4f5d absorption bands, a weak line due to 3H41S0 transition also was detected. From the position of 3H41S0 transition, the energy difference of 1S0 state and the lowest 4 f5d state was determined.

Key words: Pr3+ ion, photon cascade emission, VUV excitation, low temperature spectra
