The bio-mineralization properties of the melt-derived bioglass 45S5 and the sol-gel derived bioglass 58S and 77S in vitro were investigated. The effect of ionic products from bioactive glass dissolution on osteoblast proliferation and ALP activity was also discussed. The results show that osteoblasts cultured with 77S conditioned DMEM show better cellular viability and ALP activity when compared to 45S5 and 58S, though the bio-mineralization of 77S shows a little worse---only HA can form from 77S when HCA can form from 45S5 and 58S. By comparing the Si concentrations in bioglass conditioned DMEM and control DMEM, it can be concluded that solutions containing high Si concentrations in certain range are mitogenic for bone cells.
TU Jie
WANG Ying-Jun
CHEN Xiao-Feng
OU Yang-Jun
QIU Xiao-Zhong
. Bio-mineralization Properties of Bioglass and Effect of Ionic Products from Bioglass Dissolution on Osteoblast Functions[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007
, 22(1)
: 123
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00123
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