Research Paper

Preparation and Characterization of Rock Salt-type LiTiO2

  • PEI Xian-Ru ,
  • ZHANG Shun-Li ,
  • ZHANG Jing-Wei ,
  • YANG Jian-Jun ,
  • JIN Zhen-Sheng
  • Laboratory of Special Functional Materials, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China

Received date: 2002-01-10

  Revised date: 2006-04-07

  Online published: 2007-01-20


Rock salt-type LiTiO2 was prepared by treating TiO2(anatase) powder with concentrated aqueous solution of LiOH at 110℃ under atmospheric pressure and characterized by means of TEM, XRD, XPS and TG/DTG. The results show that rock salttype LiTiO2 prepared by this method is a nanosized nonstoichiometric compound. Its crystal form is stable at annealing temperature ≤500℃. In air ambience, the rock salt-type LiTiO2 possesses stronger water absorption.

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PEI Xian-Ru , ZHANG Shun-Li , ZHANG Jing-Wei , YANG Jian-Jun , JIN Zhen-Sheng . Preparation and Characterization of Rock Salt-type LiTiO2[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007 , 22(1) : 84 -88 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00084


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