When analyzing the contributions of these atoms occupying 3a and 3b sites in R3m to X-ray diffraction intensity of planes (hkl) in LiMeO2, a “plus or minus” relationships are found. For the lines of plus relationship of the atoms to X-ray diffraction intensity has no relationship with the mixed occupying parameter X, but the minus ones do. Therefore, a novel method is proposed to study the atomic occupying problem of Li and Ni. The linear relationships between intensity ratio of (I003/I104)1/2,(I101/I012)1/2,(I101/I104)1/2 and the mixing occupation parameter X are found. Meanwhile, using the data of the ratio of integrated diffraction intensity derived by the XRD experiment, the corresponding parameter X can be obtained from the linear equations directly.
YANG Chuan-Zheng
LI Jia
. Simulation and Experimental Study on Mixed Arrange of Li/Ni Atoms in LiMeO2 Materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2010
, 25(1)
: 8
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00008
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