Based on the theory of “constrained sintering”, stress of the membrane exerted by a rigid substrate was calculated. Results show that the tensile stress from supports can decrease driving force and consequently increase the sintering temperature of supported membranes. The optimal sintering temperatures, 1350℃ and 1180℃ for α-Al2O3 and ZrO2 supported membranes respectively, are determined by combining membrane strength and sintering driving force. Meanwhile, a method is proposed to calculate the stress developed in the co-sintering process of the supported multilayer membrane. For ZrO2/α-Al2O3 bi-layer membrane, the calculated results show that due to the contribution of the compressive stress, the sintering driving force increases and the α-Al2O3 membranes can be sintered effectively after co-sintering at 1200℃. Moreover, the top-layer ZrO2 membrane should be thicker than 10μm so as to exert sufficient compressive stress on the sub-layer α-Al2O3 membrane with thickness of 15μm.
QIU Ming-Hui
FAN Yi-Qun
XU Nan-Ping
. Stress Analysis in the Preparation of Bi-layer Membranes by Co-sintering Process[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009
, 24(3)
: 617
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00617
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