Research Paper

Recent Progress in Preparation of Ordered Mesoporous Film

  • SU Bin ,
  • LU Xue-Min ,
  • LU Qing-Hua
  • (School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China)

Received date: 2006-10-10

  Revised date: 2006-11-15

  Online published: 2007-09-20


The film containing oriented mesochannels in uniform direction at large scales can be defined as ordered mesoporous thin film. Various preparation methods of ordered mesoporous silica thin films are reviewed in recent years. These preparation methods can be summarized into three kinds in mechanism. The factors influencing the mesoporons film preparation are also discussed and analyzed based on the viewpoint of ’’order’’. In addition, the progress tendencies of those preparation methods in the future are also introduced.

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SU Bin , LU Xue-Min , LU Qing-Hua . Recent Progress in Preparation of Ordered Mesoporous Film[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007 , 22(5) : 791 -797 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00791


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