The complex salt method, a method of preparing indium tin oxide (ITO) nanopowders was put forward. The complex salt crystals,[(NH4)2InCl5·H2O and (NH4)2SnCl6 were synthesized, which proved the formation of complex ions in the reaction solution. The influence of complex ions on the particle sizes of ITO precursor was researched by increasing the total concentration ratio of chlorine and indium ions TCl/TIn). The influence mechanism of complex ions on the particle sizes of ITO powders was first disclosed and put forward. The exist of complex ions decreased the concentration of dissociative In3+ and Sn4+ and increased the controllability of ITO particle sizes, which was favorable to the preparation of ITO nanopowders. ITO precursors were characterized by XRD and a laser particle size analyzer.
WU Bo-Lin
. Influence of the Total Concentration Ratio of Chlorine Ion and Indium Ion on the Particle Sizes of Indium Tin Oxide Precursor (Hydroxide)
[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(5)
: 1073
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01073
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