The damaging effects of nanosized
TiO2 on human Bel-7402 liver cancer cell were investigated by means of HE
dye method and MTT colorimetric assay under condition of photoinduce. The
influences of nanosized TiO2 content, and irradiation time on cancer inhibition were systematically studied, and the inhibition mechanism was primarily discussed. The results show that nanosized TiO2 exhibits good inhibition effects under appropriate TiO2 concentration, and the inhibition process obeys first order reaction rule approximately; In addition, activity oxygen produced by nanosized TiO2 under illumination can react with organicmolecules in and out the cancer cell membrane, so that lead to damage cell structure, result into imbalance of Ca 2+ in the cancer cell, and induce microtubule reassembly due to expression changes of microtubule-associated protein-2, which are responsible for the apoptotic and dead cancer cells.
XIA Chun-Hui
LIU Ya-Qin
XU Guang-You
WU Shan
. Damaging Effects of Nanosized TiO2 on Bel-7402 Human Liver Cancer Cell Under Photoinduce[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(6)
: 1467
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01467
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