Crystalline β-BBO thin films were successfully prepared on (001)-oriented Sr 2+ -doped α-BBO substrates by using liquid phase epitaxy, pulsed laser deposition and vapor transport equilibration techniques. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray rocking curve. The present results manifest that the β-BBO thin films grown on Sr 2+ -doped α-BBO substrates have larger degree of orientation f value and smaller X-ray rocking curve FWHM than the ones grown on other reported substrates. Compared with other substrates, α-BBO has the similar structure, the same UV cutoff and the same chemical properties to β-BBO. These results reveal that Sr 2+ -doped α-BBO single crystal may be a promising substrate proper to the growth of β-BBO films.
LIU Jun-Fang
XU Jun
. Growth of β-BBO Thin Films on Sr 2+ -doped α-BBO Substrates[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(6)
: 1454
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01454
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