Research Paper

Effects of Process Conditions on Electric Properties of Hot-filament CVD Diamond Films

  • LIU Jian-Min ,
  • XIA Yi-Ben ,
  • WANG Lin-Jun ,
  • ZHANG Ming-Long ,
  • SU Qing-Feng
  • School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China

Received date: 2005-07-07

  Revised date: 2005-08-26

  Online published: 2006-07-20


By using different deposition conditions, four CVD diamond films with different qualities and orientation were grown by the hot-filament CVD technique. The dielectric properties of these films before and after annealing were investigated in detail. A study of the relationship between the different deposition conditions and annealing process with respect to the dielectric properties was carried out. These CVD diamond films were also characterized with SEM, Raman spectroscope, XRD, I-V characteristics and impedance analyzer. The annealing process reduces the hydrogen contamination of the films and therefore improves the film quality. CVD diamond films with high quality and good electric properties such as a resistivity of 1.2×108Ω·cm at a bias of 50V, a dielectric constant of 5.73 and a dielectric loss of 0.02 at a frequency of 2MHz were obtained.

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LIU Jian-Min , XIA Yi-Ben , WANG Lin-Jun , ZHANG Ming-Long , SU Qing-Feng . Effects of Process Conditions on Electric Properties of Hot-filament CVD Diamond Films[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006 , 21(4) : 1018 -1024 . DOI: 2006 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01018


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