The structure of hair was replicated via a sol-gel process using human hair as the template. When using silicate and TEOS as the precursor, the cell structure of hair cuticle was not well replicated. When using Ti (OnBu)4 as the precursor, however, titania microtubes were obtained, with nanopores in their wall and nanoporous platelets on their outer surfaces, which were derived from cuticle cells on hair surfaces. The nanopores in the microtubes acted as an effective nanoreactor for in situ synthesis of Au nanoparticles. The microchannels, nanopores and noble metal nanoparticles may provide a unique combination that would be attractive in such applications as catalysis, adsorption, and separation.
LIU Shu-Xia
HE Jun-Hui
. Facile Fabrication of Porous Titania Microtube Arrays by Replication of Human Hair[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(6)
: 1313
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01313
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