Research Paper

Solid State Reaction Mechanism of SrO-CeO2 System

  • FU Shi-Liu ,
  • DAI Jun ,
  • DING Qiu-Ke
  • Department of Physics, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, China

Received date: 2005-01-21

  Revised date: 2005-04-05

  Online published: 2006-03-20


The solid state reaction process of the mixture of SrCO3 and CeO2 powders with different Sr/Ce ratios was studied by using XRD and TG/DTA methods. The results show that only Sr2CeO4 phase is formed for a firing temperature lower than 950℃ while Sr2CeO4 and SrCeO3 phases are simultaneously developed in the initial stages of the reaction for a firing temperature above 950℃. In the initial stages of the reaction above 950℃,the major product is Sr2CeO4 for close to 950℃ and it becomes SrCeO3 above 1000℃. There are two types of formation mechanism for SrCeO3 and Sr2CeO4, respectively. When the firing temperature is above 1000℃, SrCeO3 is formed directly by SrO and CeO2 while Sr2CeO4 is created by SrCeO3 and SrO. However, SrO and CeO2 convert directly to Sr2CeO4 below 950℃ and SrCeO3 is produced by the reaction of Sr2CeO4 and CeO2 for close to 950℃. Based on these results, the reaction mechanism of SrO-CeO2 system is derived and the wrong results in the XRD data of SrCeO3 (JCPDS36-980) have been clarified. The fluorescence spectra of Sr2CeO4 show that the formation mechanism has effect on its excitation spectra.

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FU Shi-Liu , DAI Jun , DING Qiu-Ke . Solid State Reaction Mechanism of SrO-CeO2 System
[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(2) : 357 -362 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00357


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