The surface modification with silane coupling reagent KH-570 of nanosized TiO2 in the rutile phase pre-coated with silica, was studied. The prepared samples were characterized by FT-IR, XPS,TEM, TG and DTA techniques. According to the spectra of FT-IR and XPS, it can be inferred that the KH-570 is bound on the surface of nanosized TiO2 particles and an organic coating layer is formed. The mass fraction of KH-570 coated on the surface of nanosized TiO2 measured is about 7.42%~8.59%.The wetting experiments show that the hydrophobicity of nanosized TiO2 modified with KH-570 is improved. Mechanical tests reveal that the strength and toughness of the nanosized TiO2 modified with KH-570 are improved simultaneously.
YAO Chao
GAO Guo-Sheng
LIN Xi-Ping
LU Lu-De
. Surface Modification of Nanosized TiO2 with Silane Coupling Reagent[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006
, 21(2)
: 315
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00315
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