
Advances in Biomineralization of Nacreous Layer and Its Inspiration for Biomimetic Materials

  • ZHANG Xue-Ao ,
  • WANG Jian-Fang ,
  • WU Wen-Jian ,
  • LIU Chang-Li
  • College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China

Received date: 2005-06-16

  Revised date: 2005-06-16

  Online published: 2006-03-20


Microstructured biomaterials such as nacreous layer from mollusk shells receive much attention at present. The progress in studies on the microstructure, orientation of aragonite crystal in nacreous layer, and the biomineralization formation theory of nacreous layer were reviewed in this article. Additionally, the inspiration of the particular principles and mechanisms of self-assembly in nacreous layer for fabrication of biomimetic materials were also discussed. It's believed that choosing the appropriate organic substances, and self-assembly into supramolecular structures as the templates for the depositing of inorganic materials, are crucial for biomimetic synthesis.

Cite this article

ZHANG Xue-Ao , WANG Jian-Fang , WU Wen-Jian , LIU Chang-Li . Advances in Biomineralization of Nacreous Layer and Its Inspiration for Biomimetic Materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2006 , 21(2) : 257 -266 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00257

