Research Paper

Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Ag/TiO2-xNx Nanotube

  • WAN Bin ,
  • CHEN Ming-Bo ,
  • ZHOU Xi-Ying ,
  • WANG Wei ,
  • LI Wen-Ge
  • 1. School of Materials Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Shanghai Institute of SpacePower Source, Shanghai 200233, China

Received date: 2009-05-26

  Revised date: 2009-07-12

  Online published: 2010-03-20


High density, well ordered,vertically aligned and uniform titanium oxide nanotube arrays were fabricated on the surface of pure titanium sheet by direct electrochemical anodic oxidation under 20V in electrolyte of 0.5wt%NaF +1mol/L Na2SO4. Then TiO2 nano-tube array were annealed in ammonia for 2h, Ag nano-particles were deposited photocatalytically on the N-doped TiO2 nanotube surface. XRD, SEM and XPS techniques were used to characterize titanium oxide nanotube arrays. Results show that photoelectrondegradation efficiency of Ag/TiO 2-x Nx nano-tubes under UV-light is about 39.68% higher than that of TiO2 nanotubes; and photoelectrodegradation efficiency of Ag/TiO 2-x Nx nano-tubes under visible light is 12% higher than that of TiO2 nano-tubes. After photoelectrondegradation under visible hight for 16h, the degradation rate of mathylene blue with initial concentration of 10×10-6 mol/L is 50.53%.

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WAN Bin , CHEN Ming-Bo , ZHOU Xi-Ying , WANG Wei , LI Wen-Ge . Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Ag/TiO2-xNx Nanotube[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2010 , 25(3) : 285 -288 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00285


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