91.5Ti-8.5Si (wt%) and 22Ti-78Si(wt%) eutectic brazes with fine structure were prepared by means of the non-consumable arc-melting technology. Wetting behavior and interfacial reactions of two kinds of brazes on silicon carbide (SiC) were investigated by using the sessile drop method in vacuum at 1400℃ for 10min. The results indicate that two kinds of the brazes exhibit good wettability to SiC ceramic, and their contact angles are about 10°and 25°, respectively. After wetting, separation occurs between 91.5Ti-8.5Si (wt%) and SiC, but adhesion is good between 22Ti-78Si (wt%) and SiC. At wetting temperature system, bending strength of the joint of SiC/22Ti-78Si (wt%) /SiC with the braze thickness of 0.2mm, may reach 72MPa by tentative joining. Microstructure, phase composition and melting temperature of two kinds of the brazes and the interface of the brazes / SiC are examined by SEM, EDS, XRD and DSC, etc. Relationship between wettability of the brazes on SiC ceramic and interfacial reactions are investigated.
LI Jia-Ke
LIU Yi-Chun
ZHANG Wen-Long
HU Wen-Bin
. Preparation of Ti-Si Eutectic Brazes and its Weldability to SiC[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009
, 24(1)
: 204
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00204
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