Research Paper

Fabrication of the Fine-patterns of YBCO Superconducting Thin Film by Sol-Gel Process

  • ZHANG Huang-Li ,
  • ZHAO Gao-Yang ,
  • PENG Hai-Jun
  • School of Material Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China

Received date: 2008-04-09

  Revised date: 2008-08-07

  Online published: 2009-01-20


Using methanol as solvent, cupric acetate, yttrium acetate and barium acetate as starting materials, and diethylenetriamine, trifluoroacetic acid, acrylic acid(AA) as chemical additives, the photosensitive YBCO sols and gel films were fabricated by the sol-gel method. The UV absorption peak of the sols and gel films is located at about 250nm, which corresponds to the cuprate complex. The intensity of the absorption peak for the gel films gradually decreases under the UV light irradiation, and the solubility of gel films in some organic solvent as methanol is changed, showing the photosensitivity of the gel films. Utilizing the photosensitivity, the YBCO gel films are irradiated by UV light through a pattern mask and leached by methanol. Thus the fine patterning of YBCO gel film is prepared. After heat treatment, the fine patterning of YBCO film with highly c-axis oriented structure and superconducting transition temperature (TC) of 92K can be obtained.

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ZHANG Huang-Li , ZHAO Gao-Yang , PENG Hai-Jun . Fabrication of the Fine-patterns of YBCO Superconducting Thin Film by Sol-Gel Process[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009 , 24(1) : 192 -194 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00192


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