In order to obtain IR absorption property, Ni-P was coated on barium ferrite powder by electroless plating, and the influence of electroless plating process on IR emissivity of barium ferrite powder was studied. The micrograph and structure of samples were studied by means of SEM and XRD. The IR and microwave absorption properties of powders were analyzed by FT-IR and Vector Network Analyzer. The optimal technology parameters are as follows,the concentration of NiSO4 is 30g/L, the concentration of Na3PO3 is 20g/L, the concentration of sodium citrate is 70g/L, the concentration of (NH4)2SO4 is 50g/L, reaction temperature is 85℃ and pH is 10.0. And the results show that a uniform and compact Ni-P coating is plated onto barium ferrite. The IR and microwave absorption properties of Ni-P coated barium ferrite are greatly improved. IR emissivity of the powder decreases to 0.5910 at 8-14 μm wavelength, and the maximum reflection is -24.3dB at 2-18GHz. The bandwidth (>10dB) is about 2.8GHz.
WU Xiao-Wei
LIU Yan-Kun
. Preparation of IR and Microwave Absorbing Barium Ferrite Material by Electroless Ni-P Plating[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009
, 24(1)
: 97
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00097
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