The TiO2 thin films with resistive switching behaviors were grown on Pt (111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Scanning electrical microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) were employed to characterize the as-grown films respectively. No evident diffraction peak of TiO2 is found in X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern. The films exhibit nanocrystalline or noncrystalline. The results show that the surfaces of the films are flat, smooth and dense. The results of electrical test indicate that TiO2 thin films show a unipolar resistive switching behavior, and the high-resistance to low-resistance ratio can reach 104. The electrical conduction of the films at high resistance state is controlled by the space charge limited current mechanism, and the soft-set phenomenon is found. The formation and rupture of conducting filaments in TiO2 thin films are preliminarily analyzed.
LI Xiao-Min
YU Wei-Dong
. Study on the Resistive Switching Behaviors of TiO2 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009
, 24(1)
: 49
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00049
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