Study on the synthesis and characterization of Sn-ZSM-5 zeolite was carried out. The Sn-ZSM-5 zeolites were prepared from the clear solution of Si(OCH2CH3)4/SnCl4/NaOH/TPABr/H2O by hydrothermal method. SEM, XRD, IR and UV-Vis analysis confirm that Sn atoms are introduced into ZSM-5 zeolite framework. After gained Sn-ZSM-5 zeolites, the carbon tube-supported Sn-ZSM-5 membrane with various Si/Sn ratios are also synthesized by using simple seeded method. The formed Sn-ZSM-5 membranes are found dense and continuous. For 5wt% acetic acid feed, the membrane with Si/Sn of 25 has a total flux of 1.18kg·m-2·h-1 at 90℃ with an acetic acid/water separation selectivity of 4.1.
WANG Xian-Wu
YANG Jian-Hua
LU Jin-Ming
WANG Tong-Hua
. Synthesis of Sn-Substituted ZSM-5/Carbon Zeolite Membrane and Application in Separation of Acetic Acid/water Mixtures by Pervaporation[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(6)
: 1225
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.01225
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