Nd:YSAG powders was prepared by using combustion method. After molding, calcining the Nd:YSAG green compact at 1750-1850℃ in H2 atmosphere for 4-10h, the transparent Nd:YSAG ceramics were obtained. The optical properties of Nd:YSAG transparent ceramics were measured. The emission band of transparent Nd:YSAG ceramics is broadened and the fluorescence lifetime is prolonged as compared to Nd:YAG ceramics. Using LD as pumping source, and transparent Nd:YSAG ceramics as laser gain media, laser output is achieved. The maximum laser power is 0.36W and the slope efficient is 23.6%, the spectrum band of output laser is relatively broad.
CAI Hong
QI Yun-Feng
LOU Qi-Hong
SHI Jian-Lin
. Optical Property and Laser Output of Nd:Y3Sc1.5Al3.5O12 Transparent Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(5)
: 1041
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.01041
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