A new method for the preparation of fine α-Al2O3 powders was reported. C/γ-Al2O3 composites were prepared by carbonizing starch/γ-Al2O3 precursors. Calcining the composites under oxygen flow in a furnace at 800℃, rapid and total transformation of γ-Al2O3 to α-Al2O3 occurred when the carbon content was between 6wt%-13wt%. Characterized by N-2 adsorption technique and SEM observation, the particle size of the as-prepared α-Al2O3 powders is about 2μm. By this method, γ-Al2O3 can be transformed in very short time of about several minutes to α-Al2O3 at 800℃, which is much lower than the temperature for the commercial preparation. The method is very efficient for the rapid preparation of fine α-Al2O3 powders. And the simple operation and cheap raw materials for the method show that it is very promising for industrial applications.
ZHU Yue-Xiang
XIE You-Chang
. Preparation of Fine γ-Al2O3 Powders by Calcining Carbon-covered α-Al2O3 in Oxygen[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(5)
: 996
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00996
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