In the process of SiC film fabricated by chemical vapor deposition method, kinetic process of chemical reaction in reaction zone and the deposition and diffusion of matrix surface were studied respectively. With kinetic Monte Carlo method, a three-dimensional atomic-scale of {111}-oriented SiC film is established and its growth process is simulated by MATLAB. The results show that the growth of film has three stages including form of little islets, mergence and expanding of islets and dynamic balance between islets. With the increase of substrate temperature, deposition rate, surface roughness and height of film all increase. When the deposition rate increases, surface roughness increases while relative density decreases. Moreover, the simulation results are in well agreement with the relevant theory and experimental result.
LIU Cui-Xia
YANG Yan-Qing
ZHANG Rong-Jun
LUO Xian
REN Xiao-Xia
. Atomic Scale Simulation of {111}-Oriented SiC Film Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition Method[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(5)
: 933
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00933
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