A new method of protein adsorption was investigated for the preparation of nanosized flake NaxCo2O4 compounds. The effects of BSA on the formation of the NaxCo2O4 compounds were investigated. The results show that the average particle size of colloidal precursor can be clearly decreased with the increasing of BSA concentration to 1.5--2.5mg/mL. The formation of γ-Na0.71Co0.96O2 crystalline phase is inhibited with the increasing of BSA concentration. The crystalline phase composition and morphology of calcined precursor are influenced by BSA obviously. After calcined at 800℃, ultra-thin flake γ-Na0.71Co0.96O2 crystals are obtained with about 200 nm in thickness and about 1--5μm in width along the plane direction. Compared with solid state reaction, the thickness of flake NaxCo2O4 crystals obtained by this new method is dramatically decreased.
TANG Xin-Feng
GAO Wen-Bin
. Influence of Bovine Serum Albumin on the Formation of NaxCo2O4 Compounds[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(4)
: 860
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00860
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